
Creating an Effective Internal Communications Video Strategy: Ideas and Examples

Jessica Becker
Jessica Becker
Online Coach & Writer

Remote and hybrid work arrangements continue to put new demands on businesses, prompting the emergence of new internal communications trends in 2024 and beyond. Harvard Business Review identifies loneliness as one of the most significant challenges for remote workers. In this era of remote work and digital collaboration, organizations must re-evaluate how they connect with and engage their staff. Internal communications sits at the forefront of organizational efforts to adapt. Organizations must adjust their internal communication strategies to navigate the below challenges and opportunities presented by this new paradigm:

  • Low attention span and engagement level of employees
  • Missing direct and emotional connection which means messages don’t resonate well with employees  
  • Overload of internal communication, lowering employee engagement 

You may not have thought about using video for internal communications, but it’s an excellent approach to effectively address most of these challenges, in addition to helping remote employees feel more connected with their colleagues. When you can’t be there in person, video becomes the next best option.

According to the 2023 edition of the State of the Sector report from Gallagher, a significant 69% of respondents rated video as an effective tool for internal communications.

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Table of Contents:

    Video: The Key to Effective Internal Communications

    Wondering how to improve internal communication with videos? Incorporating video into internal communication strategies has become a game-changer for organizations seeking to enhance employee engagement and cultivate a connected workforce. The power of video lies in its ability to captivate, inform and inspire employees in ways that traditional text-based communication can never match. By embracing video as a communication channel, organizations can unlock several benefits.

    • ‍Engage employees: Video brings messages to life. By harnessing the power of visuals, storytelling and emotions, you can create a dynamic and interactive experience that deeply resonates with employees, leaving a lasting impact. Videos not only capture people’s attention but also maintain engagement as human brains process visuals quicker than text.   
    • Develop strong bonds: Video humanizes the communication process, fostering a sense of community and building strong bonds among employees. It can bridge the gap for remote employees, helping them feel included and connected even when they are physically not present in the office.  
    • Provide clarity: Video content is inherently easier to understand, making it an effective tool for conveying complex ideas in a simplified form. With great storytelling, video can facilitate easy comprehension and enhance message retention among employees.
    • Grab attention: Your employees are busy, and the communication channels you use are noisier than ever. As an internal communication professional, you must compete for attention like never before. Video is an incredibly versatile medium that can be utilized to communicate a wide range of internal communication messages, from showcasing company culture to delivering training material. With videos, you can incorporate multiple styles and deliver your message in a way that cannot miss employees’ attention.
    • Create an emotional impact: Video has a profound emotional impact. When it comes to building an emotional connection, there is nothing more effective than human interaction. By featuring real humans and tailoring videos to elicit the desired emotional response, employees can connect to the characters on a personal level.
    • Easy accessibility: It’s easy to access videos across a variety of devices, from desktop to mobile and they can be viewed repeatedly for reinforcement and understanding.

    9 Internal Communications Video Examples

    Now that we’ve discussed why you should use videos for internal communications, are you curious to know where to begin and how to effectively incorporate videos into your internal communication strategy? We have a few ideas to get you started:

    • Leadership messages: Create videos featuring the CEO or other executive members about company performance, business priorities, focus areas, team accomplishments, new initiatives/policies etc. This will increase employee morale, build a feeling of transparency and encourage greater loyalty.
    • Company values and culture: Create a video that features different employees sharing what it means to work for the company, how is it different from others, the work environment etc. Humanizing your brand makes employees feel part of something bigger, which leads to job satisfaction. See this example by Oak's Lab:
    • Customer stories/testimonials: By sharing positive experiences of your customers about your product or service, you can instill a sense of pride and accomplishment in employees. It will increase employees’ morale to see how the company delivers value and motivate them to strive for continued success.
    • A day in the life: A great way to give employees a behind-the-scenes look and how other colleagues (a particular department) perform during the course of a day. When employees have a working knowledge of what other teams do and how they think, there is improved communication, fewer misunderstandings and greater collaboration.
    • Product announcement: You can build awareness and excitement among employees about major product launches. Talk about the launch strategy, target audience, timelines, expectations from the team etc.  Such messages can align the entire company on a single page, thereby making the launch much more successful.
    • Appreciation: Use videos to acknowledge employees’ hard work and contribution in driving the success of business. Highlight the skills, behaviors and outcomes that are valued and appreciated within the organization. This way, you demonstrate to employees that their efforts are understood and recognized. Additionally, celebrating these achievements will inspire others to emulate the behaviours that lead to success, thereby creating a positive atmosphere, increasing job satisfaction and boosting employee engagement.  In this video, Liberty University asked the managers take some time to write out notes of thanks to team members:
    • Training: An easy and effective way for experienced employees to pass on their knowledge and expertise to new team members without having to organize in-person training every time you hire someone new in the team. This can speed up the learning process by covering basic information about work responsibilities, as well as different processes and tools.
    • Onboarding: An engaging way to introduce new employees to your business, people, values and get them excited about working with you. It should cover all the key information a new employee would need including company introduction, an overview of the team they are joining, office tour, company processes etc
    • Event promotion: These videos can help to generate buzz and build anticipation whether it’s a company-wide meeting or a team-building activity. Include all the event details and call to action, encouraging employees to engage with the event and prompting them to take the desired next step.

    Here are a few best practices for making videos that will get employees’ attention:

    • Keep it short and concise – With a short attention span of people, it’s essential to make sure your videos are concise and to the point and relevant to the audience it’s intended for.
    • Be creative – Make them stand out, and get creative with your visuals to really capture employees’ attention.
    • Appeal to emotion - Try to evoke some emotion in your videos. Whether it’s humor or heartwarming, employees will be more likely to remember a video that made them feel something.
    • Make it interactive – Don’t just put your message out there and expect employees to absorb it passively. Instead, make your videos interactive by including quizzes or polls encouraging employees to engage with the content.

    Now that we’ve explained why you should add video to your internal communication strategy, the type of messages you can include in your videos and how to ensure your videos are noticed and remembered, the next question is when to get started and how. There’s no time like the present. With BIGVU, you can create high-quality, professional videos in a snap. We’ll ensure that the whole process of producing your videos is easy and enjoyable.

    There’s lots to communicate, but limited time, resources and skills. BIGVU can empower your teams with a video creation tool that enables you to create professional videos from the comfort of your own desk.  

    What are you waiting for? Book an intro call with us today to get going!


    It's time to unlock the potential of video in your internal communication strategy and experience its profound impact on employee engagement, collaboration and organizational success. By harnessing the storytelling capabilities of video, you can ignite a deeper human connection and breathe life into your organization's vision. Embrace the dynamic nature of video to captivate your audience, foster meaningful interactions, and cultivate a culture of transparency and innovation. Together, let's elevate your internal communication efforts and propel your organization towards greater heights of success with the transformative power of video. Why wait - create engaging and memorable internal communication videos today.