Privacy & Policy


BIGVU collects and receives from users of our Services some personal information. BIGVU provides this Privacy Policy to describe how this information is collected, used or disclosed. Our policy applies only to the Services we provide. It doesn’t apply to services you use to obtain our Services, to services of others that you might find by using our Services, or to other services that may coexist with our Services or interact with it either on a mobile device or on the Internet (such as Facebook or Twitter). To learn more about other companies’ policies, please consult them.

What information do we collect and use?

Account Information. When you sign up with us, we’ll collect certain limited information to identify and reach you, such as your name, email address, and password to authenticate your access to our Services. We may also collect information about your other accounts, such as your login credentials and other information regarding your Facebook, Google, TikTok, Linked and X accounts, that may interact with our Services. We may, in the future, also collect information about your relationships with other users on social media services that interact with our Services. Information

About Your Use of Our Services. We may have access to, and collect, information that your computer or mobile device transmits to us in the course of our interactions, such as the IP address from which you access our Services and information about the configuration or identity of any device or computer that you use to interact with us. We collect certain information through the use of tokens such as “cookies,” which are small text files that your browser or device saves when you access our Services. We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies to identify that you’ve logged in to the Services and to tell us how and when you interact with our Services. We may collect information about what content or information you have accessed, viewed, followed, marked, annotated, commented on, or shared, and how you have done it. That includes both content or information on our Services and content or information to which our Services links or leads you. We may also use cookies for other purposes, such as to monitor usage and traffic routing on our Services, to customize and improve our Services, and to provide information to allow us to analyze and explain our business. We may also use your information for purposes, not discussed here, that we may explain during your use of our Services.

Face and Audio Information. We may collect data related to the videos, images, and audio within your User Content. This includes identifying recognizing the existence and location of your face, analyzing the nature of the audio, and transcribing spoken words. We ensure that all face data is processed 100% offline and is never saved locally or on our servers. This information is collected to enable features such as image and video effects, content recommendation, and moderation.
This data is not shared with any third parties.

How do we use your information?

We will use your information in a variety of ways in order to provide and improve the Services, to personalize the Services to you, to deliver content, to connect you with other services you use, and to share certain information externally as we discuss below. In addition, we may use information about groups of users, without focusing on any particular user’s information, for a wide variety of business reasons, such as to study usage and traffic patterns, to test different aspects of our technology and Services, to analyze and describe our business, and to change our Services.

What Information May We Reveal?

We may publicly reveal personal information that you have publicly revealed on our Services, such as comments, annotations, and other information that you explicitly ask us to share or publicize. We may share any information with other services that you have relationships with, based on information you have given us about those service relationships. We may engage others to work with us to administer and provide our technology and Services. These third-parties may have access to your information only for the purpose of assisting us, and we would furnish them your information only with an obligation of confidentiality commensurate with our own policies. We may reveal aggregated information of our users and non-identifying information about any user with others for any purpose. Information that we collect from our users, including personal information, is a business asset. This means that if we go out of business or seek bankruptcy protection, or if another company acquires us, someone else may take possession of the information. We may reveal information to satisfy or comply with any law, regulation or legal process or to respond to lawful requests, including subpoenas, litigation discovery requests, warrants or court orders; to protect our property, rights and safety and the rights, property and safety of third parties or the public in general; and to prevent or stop activity we consider to be illegal or unethical.

The Security of Your Information

We take reasonable measures to protect the information that we collect from or about you from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Please be aware, however, that no method of transmitting information over the Internet or storing information is completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of any information.

Links to Other Sites

Our Services may contain links to other websites and services. Any information that you provide on or to a third-party website or service is provided directly to the owner of the website or service and is subject to that party’s privacy policy. Our privacy policy does not apply to such websites or services and we’re not responsible for the content, privacy or security practices and policies of those websites or services. To protect your information we recommend that you carefully review the privacy policies of other websites and services that you access.

Connecting a YouTube channel to your BIGVU account allows access to specific channel information through YouTube API Services, including live video details such as viewer counts and comments.  Users are subject to YouTube's Terms of Service when connecting their accounts. For more information on YouTube's Terms of Service, please visit their YouTube Terms of Service page.

Modifying Your Information

If you want us to delete your account, please contact us at with your request. We’ll take steps to delete your name and email address records as soon as is practicable.

Third-party partners

It's entirely optional to export or share videos to third party services such as social networks. We are not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices of these third party services, and you are responsible for reading and understanding those third party services’ privacy policies. If you choose to send your exported video to YouTube, you are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service, and Google Privacy Policy when connecting your BIGVU account to your YouTube channel. You may review and revoke access to your channel via Google's security settings page.

Our Policy Toward Children

Our Services are not directed to children under 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If we learn that we have collected personal information of a child under 13 we will take steps to delete such information from our files as soon as possible, which may require terminating an account.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may modify and revise this policy from time to time. If we make any material changes to this policy, we’ll notify you of such changes by posting them on our website or by sending you an email or other notification, and we’ll indicate when such changes will become effective.

International transfer

Your information may be transferred to – and maintained on –computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdictions. If you are located outside Israel and choose to provide information to us, we may transfer personal information to Israel and processes it there. Your consent to this privacy policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer.

Contacting us

If you have any question about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at