Great Videos Made Simple
Script, Style, Shoot and Share with BIGVU
Go from zero to video hero in less than 4 minutes
Join more than 10 million happy video makers
Made to save time
Made for you
Collaborate with multiple clients on their video creation. Assign a workspace to each customer with their logo, dedicated media asset library and connected social media channels
Internal Communications
Make videos your team will watch and remember. Send video messages with dedicated video landing page and your company's branding colors and logo.
Create compelling talking head videos that establish your brand authority and connect with your clients
Real Estate
Get more referrals and listings by building your online presence on social media through quality videos.
Made for Collaboration
Create dedicated workspaces for each team member or client. Take control of team member access, for efficient collaboration on videos, meaning no more endless email chains or mistakes.
Create impactful on-boarding videos, news updates, and internal announcements, all while easily translating your content for global communication.
Easy to Create.
Impossible to Replicate
For Mobile & Web
Whether on the web, Android, iPhone, or iPad, start writing or recording on your desktop, continue on mobile, and publish using the web app. Choose your preferred device to work on at any time.
Join millions of video creators who save time time with BIGVU
Crash Courses
Short and concise video tutorials! Script, shoot, cut, style and post videos in minutes.