
Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in how we interact with others. It talks about emotions and gestures that play an essential role in how our words get across. In a recent webinar, Janette Ghedotte, a clinical psychologist and founder of Accurate Body Language, discussed the science of body language and nonverbal communication. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the key takeaways from the webinar and how we can apply them to improve our communication skills to succeed in our respective careers.

Importance of Nonverbal Communication

She starts the webinar by discussing the importance of nonverbal communication in conveying emotions and intentions. She explained that our body language could communicate much about our thoughts and feelings and that people are likelier to trust our nonverbal cues over verbal ones. For example, if we say we're feeling happy, but our body language is closed off and tense, people are more likely to believe our nonverbal cues.

Mastering the art of body language can help us succeed in our careers by improving our confidence and credibility. When we communicate with confidence and use positive body language, we can establish ourselves as experts in our field and gain the trust of our colleagues and clients. For example, maintaining eye contact, using open body language, and standing up straight can convey confidence and assertiveness.

Body language can help us succeed in our careers by improving our ability to build rapport and connect with others. When we mirror the body language of others, we can establish a sense of rapport and create a more comfortable and positive interaction. This can be particularly useful in fields that require strong interpersonal skills, such as sales, customer service, entrepreneurship, marketing, etc. 

In addition, mastering the art of body language can help us navigate challenging conversations and negotiations. By being mindful of our body language and paying attention to the nonverbal cues of others, we can better understand their thoughts and feelings and respond accordingly. For example, if we notice that someone is closed off and defensive, we might adjust our approach to be more empathetic and understanding.

Our body language can also affect how others perceive us in the workplace. Our nonverbal cues communicate much about our personality, work ethic, and professionalism. By using positive body language and being mindful of our nonverbal cues, we can project a positive image and establish ourselves as reliable and competent professionals.

How People Perceive us Depends on Nonverbal Communication.

Janette discusses nonverbal communication, including facial expressions, body posture, and gestures. She explains how each type of communication conveys different emotions. A smile can bring happiness, friendliness, or sarcasm, depending on the context. A slouched posture can convey disinterest or defeatism.

One of the key takeaways from the webinar was the importance of context when interpreting nonverbal cues. Ghedotte emphasized that nonverbal communication can be ambiguous and that it's essential to consider the context when interpreting someone's body language. 

For example, if someone is standing with their arms crossed, it might be because they're closed off and defensive or cold. Similarly, if someone is rubbing their nose, it might be because they're lying or have allergies.

Tips to Improve Your Body Language

Ghedotte also provided tips on improving our body language to project confidence and positivity. She emphasized the importance of maintaining eye contact, standing up straight, and using open body language. She also discussed the importance of mirroring the body language of others to build rapport and establish a connection. For example, if someone is leaning forward and using hand gestures, it might be helpful to mirror their body language to show that you're engaged and interested in what they're saying.

During the question and answer session, Ghedotte answered several questions from the audience about how to interpret nonverbal cues in different contexts. One of the questions was about how to interpret nonverbal cues in job interviews. Ghedotte suggested paying attention to the interviewer's body language to gauge their interest and engagement. 

For example, if the interviewer is leaning forward and nodding, it might be a positive sign. Similarly, if the interviewer crosses their arms and looks away, it might indicate disinterest.

Another question was about how to improve body language in virtual meetings. Ghedotte suggested sitting up straight, maintaining eye contact, and using gestures to convey engagement and interest. She also emphasized eliminating distractions like phones and other devices during virtual meetings to show we're fully engaged.

In conclusion, nonverbal communication is crucial in interacting with others in both personal and professional settings. It conveys emotions and intentions that can’t be expressed through words alone. Janette provides valuable insights into the science of body language and nonverbal communication. We can improve our communication skills and build stronger connections with others by paying attention to our body language and being mindful of the context.

You can check Janette’s Instagram to learn more about using your body language to achieve success in life. The art of non-verbal communication is as important as verbal communication; they complement each other. You can’t do without the other if you aim to convey your message most effectively. 

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Plus, catch our podcast version of the webinar on-the-go if you can't watch the whole thing. Don't miss out on these amazing resources!