
The Power of Storytelling in Business: How to Connect with Your Audience and Succeed

Sarah Stanfield
Sarah Stanfield
Customer Success

We all get nostalgic over our childhood events but have you ever wondered what helps us remember those events? It’s the storytelling. We remember stories. We share those events as stories. We feel connected with others because of stories.

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What makes a good story? No matter how many times you have repeated it or how many revisions it has gone through, a good story should always make you feel connected. It has the power to make you feel like you are a part of the story. 

Donna Griffit, the corporate storyteller, joined us on this webinar to help us discover how businesses can benefit from storytelling.

We grow up listening to stories. We tell those stories to our future generation as our parents told us. We learn communication through storytelling. Storytelling is a big part of our survival as human beings.

As Yuval Noah Harari wrote in Sapiens: “The reason we outlasted the Neanderthals was our ability to tell stories”

Stories are one of the only universal communication tools. It’s a huge connector and resonator that goes beyond culture, religious, and language differences and connects us all. 

Studies show that when someone is telling a story, and another is listening, it’s such a powerful experience that our brainwaves sync up with each other. This is why learning the art of storytelling is so important to succeed in your business. 

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The Power of Storytelling in Business: How to Connect with Your Audience and Succeed
Table of Contents:

    Don’t Sell Your Business with Fake Stories

    There’s one caution - Storytelling isn’t lying. It’s not about making up numbers and stories to sell something. You can’t make up stories about your business and its success. You should always stay true to yourself and your audience.

    We live in the age of digital and personal brands. It’s very easy to get swayed by the impulse to create a fake personality for yourself to sell your business. It might work in the short term but won’t in the long term. Your personal brand should be closer to who you are in real.

    Tell stories can change over time, but there’s a difference between the transformation of stories and misleading people using incorrect statistics. 

    Put Your Audience First For Your Business to Succeed 

    What if you’re sharing stories you find relatable but your audience doesn’t? They will not connect with you and your stories. For any business to succeed, aligning your content with what your target audience wants is important. 

    Do your research. List all the questions, queries, and concerns they share on social media platforms and answer them through your content. Give value through your content. You will see positive engagement once you start putting your audience first in your content and stories. 

    Let’s talk about BIGVU as an example. If BIGVU solely focused on its product and not what it does for its targeted audience, its audience wouldn’t have found them helpful. They find the teleprompter helpful because it solves their content-related problems. The webinars have one thing in common; they solve a problem for their targeted audiences. 

    Align Your Content with Your Business Identity

    This isn’t new advice, but one that needs your attention. Your content is how you communicate with your audience. Your content is how you leave a message with your audience. Your content separates you from the competition. 

    Make content that conveys your business message as clear as possible. Your content is a reflection of your brand and what it stands for. Use it to your benefit. Use it to build trust and credibility for your business. 

    Engage Your Audience with Your Business Goals

    Identifying your target audience's pain is one step in the buyer's journey. There are two ways to engage your audiences with the problem. 

    • We can make them feel the pain (The stick rule)
    • Make them excited about the fact that you’re going to solve it for them (The carrot rule)

    You need to include both of these in your story. Have you ever heard a startup founder's story? They will make you believe that the problem was so profound that they couldn’t stop thinking about solving it for themselves and for you (their target audience). The problem can be small, but you should have a story that’s convincing enough. 

    It can be as simple as creating a music application that lets you listen to music with your friends at once. It’s the experience of listening to one song at one time. This might be a small problem to some, but it has a niche of its own. You just need to find your audience who faces the same problem and would love to use your application to solve it. 

    Share Your Failures as a Business Founder

    People will tell you not to share your failures as a founder, but people look for such stuff. Your failures and struggles make you human; people connect with such stories. If you want people to buy from you, you need to tell them “Why you” and “Why now.”

    How can you tell them why you? Share your one big reason for working so hard to make your dream startup work. You need to show them the reason for your faith in your product. What motivates you to work every day for it?

    People buy from people, and that’s how they buy. They buy when they believe in your product as you do. They buy when they have faith in your story. 

    Storytelling isn’t an art that can’t be learned. It has been a popular opinion that you can only be a good storyteller if you are gifted with it, but that’s not true. Everyone has experiences that they can share and that people can relate to. Everyone can learn to share their experiences in a way that people find it engaging. 

    Struggling with storytelling? BIGVU helps you write scripts, and shoot and edit videos. What’s your excuse for not sharing your business story? It was never this easy.

    Sign up now to get a 7-day free trial of our AI Magic Writer and create awesome content effortlessly.

    Plus, catch our podcast version of the webinar on-the-go if you can't watch the whole thing. Don't miss out on these amazing resources!