
A Complete Guide on Following and Privacy Settings on TikTok

Md. Asif Rahman
Md. Asif Rahman
Certified Writer, Content Creator and Tech Expert

TikTok is a massive platform that has a whopping 1 billion users across the globe. One of the reasons people love the platform is that it has a user-friendly interface which makes it perfect for content creators and artists. 

Although TikTok is easy to navigate, there may be new users who struggle to find their privacy settings and following list on the app. If you’re new to TikTok or simply want to learn new tips and tricks to gain new followers then this post is for you. 

I’ve provided a complete guide on how to access your privacy settings, your followers, and how to make your following list private. Keep reading to find additional information such as how to increase your followers and promote your channel to a wider audience.

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A Complete Guide on Following and Privacy Settings on TikTok
Table of Contents:

    How to Open TikTok Following Feed

    One of the easiest things to do on TikTok is to access your following feed or see who’s following you back. If you open the web version, everything is on the left of your screen. Follow these easy steps to help you get to your following feed. 

    1. Log into TikTok

    Log into your TikTok app either on your smartphone or on your laptop. Videos will automatically start playing in your feed when you open the app. 

    2 Tap On the Following Button 

    Your tabs will show up differently when using the mobile or web version of TikTok. For the web version, you’ll see your tabs on the left-hand side of your screen. To see the feed from the people you are following, simply tap on the Following tab. 

    3 Tap on the Profile Icon

    Another way to access your following feed on the web version is by hovering your mouse over your profile icon located at the top right corner of your screen. Then click on View Profile. 

    4 Click On Following

    At the top of your screen, you’ll see your profile picture along with other details like tabs to edit your profile. Click on the ‘Following’. 

    5 Check What Videos Your Followers are Making

    Once you’ve clicked on the ‘Following’ you’ll see all the accounts you’re following on TikTok. Tap on a profile to view it. Here, you’ll have access to all the videos this particular creator has made.

    How Many People Can You Follow on TikTok?

    TikTok allows users to follow up to 10,000 accounts in total. You can also follow up to 200 users per day. Some people rapidly start following accounts when they first start out in the hopes of growing their accounts quicker. However, the platform may only allow you to follow up to 15 accounts in an hour. 

    If you want to follow more accounts you’ll have to wait an hour or so to start following more accounts until you reach your 200 daily limit.

    Is the TikTok Following List in Order?

    One feature users may not know is that your Following list will appear in chronological order. This means that your list will appear in date order. The person you followed recently will appear at the top of your list. Your Followers list will also be in chronological order.

    Privacy Settings for Following on TikTok

    TikTok offers users a plethora of privacy settings for each section of their accounts. If you don’t want your followers or the public to see who you’re following you can make this section of your profile completely private.

    How to Make Your Following Private on TikTok

    It should be noted that the privacy settings on the web version of TikTok may differ from the settings on your mobile app. In this section, I show you how to make your Following list private. Note that you can only change these settings on your mobile app and not on the website. 

    1. Visit Your Profile

    Log onto your TikTok profile on your smartphone.  

    2. Tap on the Burger Menu

    Next, tap on the burger menu which is the three lines located at the top right-hand corner of your smartphone screen. 

    3. Tap on Privacy and Settings

    Tap on the Privacy and Settings tab on the menu that pops up. Then tap on the tab that says ‘Privacy’. 

    4. Tap on the Following List to Make it Private

    Scroll down to the bottom and tap on the ‘Following’ tab. Click on the option that says ‘Only Me’ to make your list private. 

    Can Your Followers See Who You Follow on TikTok?

    If your Following list isn’t set to private, then anyone who clicks on your profile can see who you’re following. They can also see anyone who is following you back. This also depends on whether your profile is private or not. Then only your followers can see details on your profile unless you make your Following list private too.

    Encouraging Users to Follow Your TikTok Account

    Content creators use various marketing strategies to encourage people to follow their TikTok accounts. You can do the same by telling people to click on the Follow button at the end of your videos. Another method is to share your profile on other social media platforms such as Instagram or Twitter.

    Tips for Attracting More Followers on TikTok

    Content creators, mobile journalists, and musicians all use TikTok to reach their audience. If you have a specific niche, then you’ll want a strategy to help you attract more followers. In this section, I’ve provided easy ways you can gain more followers on your channel.

    Use BIGVU to Make Compelling Videos

    BIGVU is a platform that allows you to make professional and compelling videos that TikTok’s algorithms will favor. This platform offers you many benefits like managing and editing your storyboards so you can fine-tune each scene. 

    The BIGVU platform also provides customizable templates with different layouts and intros. You can also crop videos and add logos to them.

    Put Subtitles on Your Videos

    There are viewers who sometimes watch videos without sound. Your videos will get more views and reach if you add subtitles to them so people can still watch videos even in noisy environments. 

    Additionally, you want your videos to be accessible to people who have hearing disabilities. You can use BIGVU to add captions to videos in different fonts and colors to capture your viewers' attention. Adding captions can increase view time and improve your SEO ranking.

    Use Trending Sounds and Music

    Adding trending sounds to your TikTok video can increase your chances of going viral on the platform. Your content can also land up on more viewers For You pages which can also increase your video’s engagements. 

    You also have the opportunity to upload your own tracks to your TikTok videos. If you’re looking for quality music consider adding BIGVU’s royalty-free music to your videos.

    Follow The Latest Trends

    One of the ways content creators get more views on videos is by following the latest TikTok trends. Some trends are fleeting while others are seasonal. 

    For example, during lockdown, there was the slow motion trend which only lasted for a few months. Seasonal trends can be ones that are for various celebrations like Halloween or Christmas. Find trends that have a high volume by searching for keywords on platforms like Ahrefs.

    Stitch and Duet Videos

    Content creators can boost their visibility and recognition on TikTok by dueting or stitching videos. This process is when you react to other content creators' recordings. Duet videos and talk about what’s happening in the video you’re reacting to. 

    Some creators use the Stitch or Duet feature to sing songs with artists or play instruments for singers. It’s a great way to reach a wider audience especially if you want more followers.

    Create a Combination of Long and Short Form Videos

    TikTok allows you to create short 15-second videos or you can create ones that are up to 10 minutes long. If you want to gain more followers be sure to cater to everyone by creating long and short-form videos. 

    If you decide to create longer-form videos where you’re talking into the camera, I suggest using BIGVU’s teleprompter to assist you. 

    Using a teleprompter reduces rehearsal times and allows you to speak confidently into the camera. BIGVU’s teleprompter is the only app that offers a whopping 59 minutes of run time.

    Promoting the "Follow Us on TikTok" Message

    You want to encourage people to follow you on TikTok. So at the end of each video, consider having a short message to prompt new viewers to follow your page. For example, you can say, “Follow us on TikTok to get weekly marketing tips to grow your online presence organically.”


    TikTok is a platform that everyone loves because it’s so easy to use and navigate. You don’t have to be a professional social media expert to use the app. The menus are straightforward and you can use other platforms to create professional videos to upload. 

    With the right methods and tools, you can gain a large following on TikTok. If you want to hide your following list then simply use the tips provided in this post. TikToke gives you complete control over your profile. Use the Privacy Settings on TikTok whenever you want to change how people view your page.