
The Top 1% of Businesses & Marketers are Using Video for Sales at Different Stages of the Prospecting Cycle. Learn Why!

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The Top 1% of Businesses & Marketers are Using Video for Sales at Different Stages of the Prospecting Cycle. Learn Why!
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    “The amount of information contained in a single frame can take about three pages to describe. It is a known fact that people engage more when they watch a video and tend to stay watching it. At the same time, they are happy to pass it along. Video informs plus entertains people and, good or bad, today a majority of people prefer watching a video rather than reading a page of text.”
    – Lisa Lubin

    The world of sales and marketing has changed. Gone are the days when companies used to rely on traditional marketing and advertising tactics like pamphlets or print advertising to put their products and services in front of their audience.

    At the same time, we’re witnessing a major shift in consumers’ buying habits. The old sales methods that once helped businesses generate millions of dollars are becoming less and less effective, all thanks to the internet.

    In the late 1990s or early 2000s, not everyone had access to the internet – which means not everyone was able to tap into a world full of information prior to purchasing a product or service.  

    But now, fast forward a few years, over 62.5% of the world population (4.95 billion people) actively use the internet. Over 2.56 billion people watch videos on YouTube every month. More than 90,000 search queries are processed by Google each second.

    These days, customers are more empowered and better informed. This means – if they want to purchase a car or laptop, or camera, they don’t necessarily have to rely on a sales executive to understand the features of a certain product. Instead, way before walking into a shop, they can hop onto the internet and conduct thorough research.

    As a result, we’re witnessing an ever-increasing number of businesses adopting digital transformation. Companies are literally spending thousands of dollars on paid ad campaigns, email marketing, social media marketing, and numerous other digital marketing tactics.

    BUT – the problem is, just like you – your competitors are implementing the same set of tactics and strategies to put themselves in front of their audience. An average person is bombarded with over 121 emails each day. When it comes to SMS, the daily number stands at 94. Millions of posts are published on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social platforms each day.

    And while there is literally nothing wrong with investing in these digital marketing tactics, the problem is – it’s much harder to catch people’s attention than it was used to before.

    Text-based emails or social media posts won’t do you any good. As humans, our brains are hotwired to like visual content. 90% of the information a human brain processes is visual. So – if you want to catch your audience’s attention and engage them, you need to add the creative factor.

    And that’s exactly where the power of video comes in.

    Allow us to share a few stats related to video marketing:

    • Over 78% of people watch online videos each week. 55% view online videos every single day.
    • About 54% of consumers have reported that they want to see their favorite brands rolling out more video content.
    • People retain 95% of information upon watching a video. However, they’re only able to retain 10% when they read it in text.
    • People spend 88% more time exploring websites with videos.
    • Six out of ten people prefer viewing online video content when compared to television.
    • Marketers who have been using video to grow their revenue have witnessed a staggering 49% spike in their revenue.
    • Video marketers get over 66% more qualified leads each year when compared with non-video-marketers.

    Apart from the fact that 90% of the information we process is visual, a few of the reasons why video works as well as it does include:

    • Helps Build a Face-to-Face Connection – Videos improve the chances of engaging with people. A video can draw consumers into your world and hold their interest much easier than many other formats.
    • Helps Deliver Value – Rolling out informational videos can help you position yourself as an industry expert and build authority.
    • Helps Build Trust – You can build trust with your audience with testimonial-based or interview-focused videos, which will give you give your prospects the much-needed push to choose you over your competitors.
    • Persuade - Video marketing is powerful for forwarding sales pitches and one-to-one social selling.
    • Motivate – Your team members are the cogs that drive your sales. Without them, the sales cycle will crumble. Using video for internal communications can help your team members align and get to know each other. You can also use video messaging to encourage and inspire creativity.

    With video being such a powerful tool and having been helping businesses level up their marketing efforts, businesses can incorporate it into their marketing, advertising, and sales campaigns to level up their efforts and achieve the best possible results.

    Despite video being such a powerful tool, some marketers and businesses are under the wrong assumption that they’d have to spend hours and thousands of dollars on a single video. And while the cost of video production varies depending on various factors, with BIGVU, videos can be extremely quick and easy to create. With BIGVU Teleprompter app, you can gain complete control of your video production in-house. And the best part is – you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on a single video.

    With BIGVU, you can build highly engaging and informative videos quick and cheap.

    Lastly, we’ve rolled out a brilliant feature called “BIGVU Pages” that allows our users to create beautiful branded video pages and share them across their social media platforms, emails, or ad campaigns with ease.

    Brands can even customize their dedicated BIGVU Pages to match their style and tone.

    BIGVU makes it easy to record, create, email, text, or share on messenger with just the touch of a button! Create an engaging experience that captures the attention of your audience by customizing colors for text and buttons with your brand.

    BIGVU also allows you to track views and clicks so you can see what's working best for you! BIGVU's instant sharing feature allows you to easily copy a link that will automatically be pasted into the chat window so you can instantly share it!

    Consumers’ buying habits are changing. It’s an “Adapt or Die” situation for brands. And in today’s ever-cluttered world, BIGVU Video Pages makes it easy to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and drive conversions.

    Don’t wait around!

    Try BIGVU Video Pages today!