Imagine you’ve generated twenty high-quality leads last week.
Now you want to convert more than 40% of them into paying customers – maybe get them to purchase your product or subscribe to your SaaS or book a call with you.
So what you can do is – go ahead and put them through a 20-day text-based lead nurturing email campaign.
Or you can level up your lead nurturing game with the power of video.
Over 71% of sales executives have reported that video emails outperform text-based ones. At the same time, your prospects are 13% more likely to remember things from your video emails over text-based ones.
And we’re not just talking about your lead nurturing campaigns.
You can use video throughout your sales funnel to increase your chances of closing the deal.
To help you understand the power of video, we’ve put together three brilliant ways businesses can use video for sales.
Let’s dive in.
3 Ways Businesses Should Use Video for Sales
Whether you’re looking forward to connecting with your sales leads for the first time or following up on them, asking your sales representatives to create and roll out personalized and engaging videos can help you not only show that you care but also increase chances of converting your leads into paying customers.
Following are three ways businesses should use video for sales:
- Connect with Sales Leads for the First Time
- Following Up on Sales Leads
- Answering FAQs
Connect with Sales Leads for the First Time
As you may already know, the sales funnel starts at the bottom of the marketing funnel.
Usually – that involves – when your prospects have taken some sort of desired action like submitting your lead generation form or sharing their details in the Contact Us section.
The next step is to qualify these leads, especially if you’re going to create personalized videos for each and every single one of them.
After all, if your marketing department is passing over a hundred leads each week to your sales team of five, then it’s really important to qualify these leads – as you can’t expect your team of five to create personalized videos for every single one of them.
Once you qualify these leads, it’s time for the first interaction.
An average person receives over 121 business emails, on average, each day. And you know what the shocking part is – most of these emails are text-based.
What businesses are failing to realize is people are receptive to faces. Putting your face in front of your leads is what will help you build trust and establish credibility.
Imagine you’ve submitted a lead generation form – and are genuinely interested in a product by Company X. But as time passes (3-4 days), you may not be as interested as you were before.
You’re cooling off.
And while you’re cooling off, if you receive another one of those forwarded text-based emails from Company X’s sales department, you may go ahead and hit the “Unsubscribe” button.
But now imagine, if it’s a sales department calling you by your name and focusing on your pain points and problems via a video email, wouldn’t you feel that they’re taking extra efforts?
Chances are – you’d appreciate it and may want to know more.
You can use video to connect with your sales leads. But if you’re doing it, make sure that your videos are engaging, personalized, and digestible.
Not many people like to watch long-form videos.
In case you want to share more information, we’d recommend - breaking down your campaign and rolling out videos in episodic format.
Following Up on Sales Leads
Not always will your sales leads respond to you or take the desired action – like booking your product demo or signing up for the 14-day free trial.
But that doesn’t mean that you should call it quits.
You need to follow up.
Did you know that only 2% of sales take place during the first point of contact? The chances of your leads taking the desired action after their first interaction with you are really slim.
There may be numerous reasons behind your leads not taking the desired action or responding to you:
- Maybe they’re exploring their options.
- Or maybe they are in the research phase.
- They’re not sure whether they want to go ahead with the purchase or not.
- They’re uninterested.
- And more!
There’s nothing better that can convert a maximum number of your leads into paying customers than a well-planned and implemented sales follow-up email sequence.
But rather than following up like most businesses do with boring text-based emails, we’d advise you to take extra efforts and create personalized follow-up emails.
A fun follow-up video email will help you catch more attention and leave a great impression, helping you stand out from your competitors and have a better chance of catching your leads’ attention.
Answering FAQs
Before purchasing or subscribing to your product, many of your leads may want to know more or dive in deep.
And while they can go ahead and visit your FAQs section, what if the questions or queries they have aren’t answered in your FAQ section?
In that case, if they reach out to you with specific questions, you can ask your sales team to create FAQ videos around their questions.
So, let’s say your company sells project management software, and one of your prospects would like to ask a few questions – from a technical perspective. When he/she reaches out to you via email with his/her questions, you can ask your sales team to record a video of them answering these questions. You may ask them to invite one of your developers as well to make a better impression.
This will help you show your audience that you care. When they see your face and how you love to engage, you’ll be making a great impression and building trust.
Taking extra efforts and recording videos around customers’ queries and questions is something that not most businesses do. But when they see you taking extra effort, they’d be much more inclined to work with you.
Using video for sales is a great way to convert the maximum number of leads into your paying customers. Recently we’ve seen an uptrend in the number of businesses doing so and achieving great results.
And the best part is – it’s not time-consuming as it seems.
With BIGVU, end-to-end video production has never been easier. From writing scripts to recording and editing videos under one roof, we allow businesses to put the best version of themselves in front of their audience.
And we’d love to have you try out our platform.