
Recording a Sales Video: Common Challenges and How to Mitigate Them

Keisha Washington
Keisha Washington
Video Creator and Marketing Coach

Sales videos are short videos typically used by the sales team to nudge a new prospect to convert.

They help the sales process, particularly in client prospecting, by showcasing your offering's key features and benefits, highlighting its unique value props, and tackling potential concerns or objections — thus helping quickly generate interest and initiate conversations with potential clients.

Sales videos serve as a dynamic tool that helps break through the clutter of traditional marketing tactics, providing a direct and engaging way to capture attention and build that all-important initial trust. They also play a role in pipeline forecasting — by effectively engaging prospects and converting initial interest into measurable interactions, such as video views or follow-up inquiries, businesses can better predict future sales volumes. This forecasting is essential for resource allocation, helping companies prioritize efforts and manage the sales cycle more efficiently.

Product demos, explainer videos, customer testimonials, etc. are all various forms of sales videos. A recent survey suggests that 87% of marketers say video has directly increased sales, and 82% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a video — clearly, a good sales video can make a difference.

However, an effective sales video is not just about showcasing your products or services. It’s about creating a narrative that resonates with your audience and persuades them to take action.

The thing is, you can hire the finest video editors and still not see the desired impact from your sales videos. From crafting a clear message to ensuring high production quality, each step comes with its own set of challenges.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common pitfalls and provide strategic tips to help you navigate these obstacles, ensuring your sales video not only reaches but also captivates your prospects.

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Table of Contents:

    1. Lack of Clear Messaging

    Without a well-defined overarching message, your video may fail to engage your audience or spur them into action, no matter how visually stunning it is. A compelling video comes with an underlying core message that’s backed by strong visuals.

    So, start by pinpointing the single most important message you want to convey. This could be the unique selling point of your product, a special promotion, or the solution your service offers to a specific problem. Whatever it is, make it precise and make sure everything in your video supports this message.

    Here, a meticulously written script serves as the backbone of clear messaging. Invest time in crafting your video sales letter script in a way that speaks directly to your target audience, addressing their needs and how your offering fits into their current reality. Avoid industry jargon that might alienate newcomers, and instead, use language that resonates on a personal level.

    For personalized scripting solutions, BIGVU’s Video Sales Letter Script Writer is a valuable tool. It helps you easily and quickly create tailored video scripts that can directly address your target audience, enhancing the personal touch and effectiveness of your sales message.

    Finally, what action do you want viewers to take after watching your video? Whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase, your call to action (CTA) should be clear and compelling (such as “Sign up for a free trial today”). Place your CTA prominently in the video, preferably repeated at strategic points to ensure it sticks with the viewer.

    2. Poor Sales Video and Audio Quality

    While a raw and unfiltered video can come across as more authentic on social media, a sales video is expected to be authentic but still feel professional.

    High-quality visuals and clear sound are essential to convey your message.

    You don't need a Hollywood budget, but investing in a decent camera and microphone can dramatically improve the quality of your sales videos and help with the scalability of your overall video marketing efforts.

    Your filming environment can make or break your video's quality. Look for a quiet, well-lit room where external noises are minimized. Natural light is your best friend, but you can always use BIGVU's filters to add softlighting to your video.

    Moreover, shaky b-roll footage can be off-putting and give an unprofessional feel to your video. Use a tripod or a stabilizer to keep your camera steady. Even budget-friendly tripods can make a significant difference in the stability of your shots.

    Always perform sound checks before you begin recording. Adjust your microphone settings to avoid peaking (distortion due to high volume) and ensure there is no background noise that could interfere with your audio clarity.

    The editing stage is your opportunity to enhance both video and audio quality. Use editing software to cut out footage that doesn’t add any value, and clean up the audio. There are many affordable, user-friendly video editing software options that can do the job efficiently.

    3. Inadequate Preparation

    Doing a proper discovery process is crucial in making your sales pitch feel personal and differentiated. Make sure to conduct proper discovery research to understand how effectively reach out to your prospect.

    When using BIGVU’s Video Sales Letter feature, your script can be personalized based on your prospect’s LinkedIn profile. This ensures that each video is tailored specifically to the recipient, increasing the relevance and impact of your message.

    4. Keeping Viewers Engaged

    One of the biggest challenges with sales prospecting videos is making them engaging enough for prospects to keep watching till the end. 

    As with any video, the first few seconds of your sales video are critical. Use a compelling hook that can be a surprising fact, a provocative question, or a relatable problem to grab attention immediately. This sets the tone and encourages viewers to watch the video in its entirety.

    Structure your video like a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Present a problem, show how your product or service provides a solution, and end with a satisfying conclusion. This simple narrative structure helps maintain viewer interest and makes the message memorable.

    Incorporate dynamic visuals to support your message. This can include on-screen text, engaging infographics, and animations that complement the spoken content. Visuals not only make the video more interesting but also help in reinforcing your key messages.

    Also, think about the pace. A video that drags can lose viewer interest, while one that’s too fast may be hard to follow. Find a balance in pacing to keep the video engaging. Use editing techniques like zoom ins or transitions strategically to maintain energy without overwhelming the viewer.

    Finally, adding captions is crucial for keeping your viewers engaged, especially when they’re watching in environments where audio cannot be played. BIGVU’s Auto Subtitle Generator makes it easy to add accurate and synchronized captions, enhancing accessibility and ensuring your message reaches everyone.

    5. Budget Constraints in Video Selling

    Budget constraints are a reality for many small businesses, but a limited budget doesn't have to mean a low-quality video for sales.

    It all comes down to prioritizing your spending. Identify the key elements where quality cannot be compromised, such as audio equipment or editing software. Allocate your budget to ensure these essentials are covered first.

    Embrace do-it-yourself solutions where feasible. For example, instead of hiring a professional voiceover artist, someone within your team with a good voice and proper articulation could record the audio. Similarly, simple lighting setups can be created with household items and natural light.

    There are numerous free and low-cost resources available for video production. Use free editing software with extensive features, like DaVinci Resolve, or affordable stock video and music sites to enhance your production without breaking the bank.

    With platforms like BIGVU, you can bypass the need for expensive videographers, sets, and editors. BIGVU provides an all-in-one solution with a teleprompter, video editing tools, and automatic social media posting capabilities, making it ideal for small businesses looking to produce professional-quality videos on a budget.

    Furthermore, consider partnerships or collaborations with budding videographers, animators, or other content creators who may be willing to work at reduced rates for mutual benefits, such as portfolio building or cross-promotion.

    In these ways, by strategically managing your resources and exploring creative solutions, you can produce a high-quality sales video that aligns with your budget constraints.

    Wrapping Up

    Creating an effective sales video involves navigating various challenges, from ensuring clear messaging to managing technical issues and budget constraints.

    By adopting the strategies outlined above, you can mitigate these challenges and produce a sales video that not only captures the essence of your offerings but also resonates with your audience and drives action — a video that is not just seen but felt and responded to by viewers.