
How to Add Voiceover to a Video: A Step-by-Step Guide for Video Creators

Md. Asif Rahman
Md. Asif Rahman
Certified Writer, Content Creator and Tech Expert

What is a Voiceover Video?

A voiceover in a video is when you hear a person speaking but you don’t necessarily always see them in a clip. Creators pre-record a video and then place spoken words over the video especially when you want to show important scenes without presenters in the shot. 

Furthermore, there are different types of voiceovers such as narration where you describe the actions in a scene or tell a story about the images on a screen. There’s also the type of voiceover that you place over a commercial to entice people to buy a product. 

You can use various tones when you create voiceovers for videos such as a serious tone or a playful tone. Make sure the tone of your voiceover fits your brand’s image. 

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How to Add Voiceover to a Video: A Step-by-Step Guide for Video Creators
Table of Contents:

    Types of Videos Where it Could Be Useful to Have a Voiceover

    Voiceovers can be edited into any type of video. However, there are certain types of content that voiceovers work best for. In this section, we discuss the best content to place your voice on after you record your video. 

    Tutorial Video 

    A tutorial video explains to an audience how to perform a specific action. It provides a step-by-step instruction on how to complete a specific task. The reason voiceovers work well for tutorial videos is that they allow the creator to focus on performing the tasks instead of what to say at that moment. Tutorial videos can include but aren’t limited to: 

    • How to bake a cake 
    • Renovating a house
    • Operating specific software 
    • Painting a picture 
    • Learning how to use Excel 
    • Fixing a broken item 
    • Showcasing a house

    Upon watching the pre-recorded footage, the creator can then concentrate on the best explanations to edit into the video. Watching each scene will help you provide better context to your videos to help your viewers understand exactly what to do. 

    Business Presentation  

    A business presentation can be short or long-form videos. Your business presentation can entice investors to want to fund your cause. It can also draw in customers when you want to improve your bottom line. 

    Including voiceover audio in this type of footage makes your videos more accessible to the visually impaired. You can explain in detail what the presentation is about, your goals, and your mission for your company. Below is an example of how a voice is used in a business presentation. 

    Animated Videos 

    Many marketers use colorful animations to advertise a new product or service. These animations are easy to create through digital design platforms like Adobe Illustrator or even Canva. You can be creative in animated videos by using interesting transitions and stickers. 

    But one of the reasons people choose to create animated videos is because they look and sound better when you place voiceover audio over them. With the right tools, you can record your voiceover for each clip or create one long piece using a script. 

    Recap Videos 

    A recap video is usually 1 to 3 minutes long and is designed to highlight important information in your footage. You can use this style for sports, events, concerts, or marketing. Use a recap video before the show to entice people to attend your event or afterward to refresh a viewer's memory. 

    Voiceover audio is ideal for recap videos because the footage is typically pre-recorded. You can add more detail to the video and discuss the highlights of the content to keep viewers engaged. 

    Walk Through of a Home 

    Real estate agents create a walk-through of a home to show potential buyers or renters what the inside of a house looks like. 

    Here is an example of what a walkthrough video of a home looks like with a voiceover:

    Tips for Creating a Compelling Voiceover

    Just like your video footage, your voiceover must also be professional and well thought out. Here are valuable tips for creating a compelling voiceover. 

    Practice Voice Intonation 

    Intonation refers to the rising and falling of a person’s voice. Emotion and your accent are just two examples of what can affect your voice’s intonation. Your pitch may rise when you’re feeling excited or it may fall when you’re talking about a general topic. 

    Practice mastering the intonation of your voice to make your speech almost lyrical or rhythmic to make it easier for your audience to hear and understand your words. 

    Pronunciation and Enunciation 

    Have you ever heard someone speak in a different accent to your own and you couldn’t understand what they were saying? This is because people in different countries pronounce and enunciate their words differently, especially if they’re not native English speakers. 

    So, if you have foreigners who are watching your video, you must make sure they can understand your language. Practice how you pronounce and enunciate your words by training your mouth muscles with exercises. You can use tongue twisters to relax the mouth and tongue and help you practice your pronunciation and enunciation. 

    Create a Well-Written Script 

    You may have the habit of using filler words when you add voice audio to your video. Furthermore, you can forget what you want to say while you’re recording. Consider creating a script for your video first. 

    BIGVU allows users to write a well-written script in seconds using an AI writer. Choose the style of your script like news flash or business presentation. It also allows you to choose the tone of the script so it matches your video. 

    To improve the flow of your reading when creating a voiceover, use the teleprompter feature on BIGVU while you’re recording. These two tools will boost your confidence when recording voice audio for videos. They will also ensure you create videos with professional-sounding audio. 

    Do a Test Recording 

    It’s always better to do a test recording when you create videos and add voiceovers to them. This way you can hear how you sound over your microphone so you can make improvements to your pronunciations or timing. 

    Write down all the problems you’ve noticed when listening to your test recording. Then practice so you can overcome those problems. Re-record to see if you’ve made improvements. Once you’re happy with how you sound and your timing you can do the final voiceover audio.

    How to Do a Voiceover on a Video 

    BIGVU now has a feature that allows you to record professional voiceovers for any type of video you create. Learn how to add a voiceover to any footage by following these easy steps:

    1. Login to BIGVU.

    2. Record a voiceover using BIGVU's teleprompter. After you’ve recorded your video you can open it by clicking on the three dots below the title of the video. Click on edit.

    3. Now choose the take you with your voiceover to by clicking on the three dots next to it.

    4. A pop-up window will appear. Select Open Video Maker to start adding additions to your video.

    5. It will ask you if you want to add subtitles to your video. Either choose your language or whether you want to translate the subtitles to another language. Then click on Create Subtitles.

    6. Now it will give you the option to open the video maker. Click on Open.

    7. On the left side of your screen, you can add media like Uploads to overlay your video or Library where you can access videos you’ve made on BIGVU. You can also add stock videos from Pixabay. Click on Library to gain access to videos on BIGVU. Also, under the Media tab click on Uploads to add your voiceover. Then click on Select File or drag your recording into the space provided. Once your audio has been uploaded and captions have been transcribed, add overlay images onto a particular scene. Repeat the process until it overlays the duration of that scene.

    8. Drag the video you want onto a particular scene. Repeat the process until it overlays the duration of that scene. 

    9. Preview the video by clicking on play next to the scene.

    Final Thoughts 

    So there you have it - an easy and convenient way to add voiceovers to any video type you create. Whether you’re doing a house walk through or a tutorial video, using voiceover audio is the perfect way to add more context to your content and make it more accessible to everyone. 

    Follow these easy steps to help you create professional videos using voiceover audio. Remember to practice and use your script so that your voiceovers are timed well and you avoid using filler words.