
How to Create a Standout Video Resume That Secures Your Dream Job

Utkarsh Jaiswal
Utkarsh Jaiswal
Copywriter, Content Writer

Are you looking to stand out amongst a sea of job seekers? 

Then, it’s time to create your video resume—an innovative way to differentiate yourself and give employers an impressive glimpse into who you are.

A video resume is a new way to showcase your skills and achievements to employers through a video instead of using a traditional paper resume.

Since LinkedIn recently introduced new profile features that allow users to upload a short video to their profile, the demand for video resumes has increased. According to LinkedIn, almost 79% of recruiters believe video resumes are increasingly important when reviewing applicants.

It highlights your personality and brings your stories to life like traditional resumes cannot. This could also give you a better chance of impressing potential employers and landing your desired job.

Not only does it allow you to introduce yourself in a more personal manner, but it also lets you differentiate yourself from other applicants.

In this post, we’ll look at what precisely a video resume is and explore some excellent video resume examples so that you can confidently add one to your portfolio.

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Table of Contents:

    How to Create an Outstanding Video Resume?

    Crafting a compelling video resume is an art that involves both creativity and technical skills. 

    Don’t worry; with BIGVU, you can create an exceptional video resume using your smartphone. 

    Here’s how:

    1. Prepare and Outline Your Video Resume Script

    To create a compelling video resume, planning and outlining your content beforehand is essential. 

    Start by deciding how you want your video to look. 

    If you want it to feel more like a conversation, make bullet points of the main points you want to cover. This will help you sound natural and less scripted. 

    But if you prefer a polished and rehearsed approach, write out your script in advance and practice delivering it flawlessly. 

    Here is a step-by-step example of how you can outline your video resume script:

    Give Your Introduction

    • Start with your name.
    • Mention the company’s name immediately.
    • Example: “Hello, my name is Alex Johnson, and I am excited to discuss my application for a position at Google.”

    Tell Your Professional Identity

    • Clearly state your current role or the role you aspire to have. For instance, if you aim to be a nurse but haven’t qualified yet, introduce yourself as an aspiring nursing professional.
    • Or, if you’re a computer science graduate, say, “I’m currently a graduate student in computer science, aspiring to become a software developer.”

    Speak About Your Passion

    • Express why you are passionate about your field.
    • Customize this section for each company where possible, explaining specifically why you are interested in them.
    • Example: “I am passionate about renewable energy, which is why I am excited about Tesla’s innovative projects.”

    List Your Accomplishments

    • Highlight significant achievements that show your results.
    • Example: “I led a team project that developed a mobile app, which won first place in our university’s innovation challenge.”

    Talk About Social Proofs or Testimonials (if You Have)

    • Include endorsements or quotes from recommendations, ideally relevant to the job or industry you’re targeting.
    • Example: “My professor, Dr. Smith, described me as ‘a natural leader who significantly enhances our research capabilities’ in her recommendation letter.”

    Conclude it on A Positive Note

    • Reemphasize the company’s name.
    • End with a friendly sign-off, looking forward to further discussion.
    • Example: “Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to potentially contributing to Amazon’s success and hope to speak with you soon.”

    If you lack confidence in your script, you can use BIGVU’s AI Video Resume Writer to rewrite it. 

    Once you sort your script, it’s important to rehearse it so you can speak confidently on camera. 

    However, as a beginner recording your video resume for the first time, maybe you stumble or forget your lines. This can make you sound unprofessional. 

    If this happens, you can use BIGVU teleprompter to save time memorizing your script. 

    The teleprompter conveniently scrolls your script, allowing you to focus on speaking confidently to the camera.

    BIGVU Teleprompter App

    2. Finalize a Professional Shooting Location

    Choose a quiet place with good lighting to record your video resume. The best background is a plain wall or a lovely setting with light furniture. Avoid hanging clothes, messy shelves, or people walking around in the background.

    The background of your video is essential as it sets the tone and feel for your video resume. Having a well-suited background also helps the viewer form a great first impression.

    However, if you have a less-than-perfect background, there is no need to worry!

    With the help of BIGVU’s AI Background Remover, you can transform any location into a professional virtual studio.

    BIGVU Replace Green Screen Feature

    3. Shoot Several Takes

    If you’re recording for the first time, there’s a chance you might feel anxious. But remember, this isn’t a live stream!

    You can record as many times as necessary until you feel confident.

    However, we know that most of your time on retakes will be because of either fumbling mid-sentence or losing eye contact with the camera and looking around.

    We’ve already told you about the teleprompter, which helps you read your video resume script comfortably. Now, even if by any chance you lose eye contact with the camera while recording, there’s no need to worry.

    Once you’ve finished recording, you can use our AI Eye Contact Fix Feature to correct it. This will save you a lot of time that would otherwise be spent on reshoots.

    4. Keep It Short and Straight to the Point

    Remember, recruiters have a lot of resumes to review.

    To ensure your application stands out, it’s important not to overwhelm them with lengthy, detailed videos; remember—brevity and accuracy are key for an innovative video resume!

    The ideal video length for maximum engagement is 1-2 minutes, with 90 seconds being the sweet spot.

    With BIGVU Video Trimmer, you can easily record and trim your video footage to capture the recruiter’s attention from start to finish.

    BIGVU Video Trimmer Feature

    5. Edit It and Make It Professional

    Your video resume reflects you, so both the content and quality must show your professional capabilities. Think about lighting, framing, and editing—take the time to do them well!

    You can adjust your video’s lighting, framing, and audio in the last step to make your video resume stand out.

    The sound in your video resume is equally important as the visuals; make sure your voice comes through clearly when speaking directly into the camera.

    And that’s it; your perfect video resume is ready!

    Some Exceptional Video Resume Examples for Inspiration

    If you’re hoping to create an impressive video resume, it might help you get some inspiration first by checking out these outstanding video resume examples below!

    James Britt: Cinematographer Video Resume

    This innovative video showcases the work of James Britt, who describes his passion for filmmaking and cinematography. He explains how he gets creative with his shots and enjoys bringing stories to life through film.

    Short Video Resume- Saji Nair

    This video resume is both simple and professional-looking. It uses a blank background, some text, and a well-rehearsed script, allowing Saji to showcase her presentation skills without going overboard on production values.

    Best Video CV Ever- Mark Leruste

    A comedic resume video might be a little out-of-the-box, but sometimes, it’s the best way to set yourself apart from the rest of the applicants. For example, this candidate does a great job of mixing humor with the facts that every employer wants to know.

    Marta Puerto: Product Marketing Manager- Viral Video Resume

    What a success story! Marta Puerto was determined to stand out in a crowded job market, and boy did she ever. Instead of relying on a traditional resume, she decided to showcase her skills in a unique way by creating a 1 minute and 42-second video on LinkedIn. And the response was incredible!

    Her video went viral, racking up over 100,000 likes and counting. Plus, it's caught the attention of hundreds of employers who are eager to meet with her. As a result, Marta is now inundated with interview requests and has received over 5,000 connection requests on the platform. It's truly amazing how one creative idea can make such a difference.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a video resume?

    A video resume is a way for job seekers to showcase their personality and skills in a more engaging format than a written resume. This type of resume is becoming increasingly popular to stand out from other job applicants.

    You can share your video resume online and with potential employers and often use them to support a standard paper resume.

    What are the benefits of using a video resume?

    It allows you to showcase your personality, communication skills, qualifications, and experience in one concise package, making it easier for recruiters to evaluate you efficiently.

    Plus, with the ability to share resumes quickly with multiple contacts or employers, you’ll have a greater chance of landing your dream job!

    How do I share my video resume with potential employers?

    You can incorporate your video resume into your job application process in a few different ways.

    For example, include a link at the top of your resume so employers will see it when they start skimming it. You could also include the video resume and the link in your cover letter. If you use BIGVU to create your video resume, you can turn it into a video landing page and email or DM the video’s thumbnail

    How do I edit my resume video?

    With the BIGVU Video Maker, transforming your video resume into a standout masterpiece is easier than ever!

    Whether highlighting keywords with colors, adding images, or spicing up the subtitles for each scene, this incredible tool enables you to customize every element of your presentation.

    Wrapping It Up

    The time has come for you to put your best foot forward and star in your video resume! A well-done video resume can significantly impact your differentiation from others and help you land the job of your dreams.

    Be sure to follow our tips for making a great video resume.

    Happy recording!