“Video is one of the most important forms of communication that businesses should integrate into each and every aspect of their marketing efforts.”
- James Wedmore

We don’t live in the 1990s or 2000s anymore. 

In 2023, an average person sends and receives more than 121 emails every single day. 

And you’ll be shocked to know that most of these are non-personalized, forwarded ones mindlessly rolled out by businesses just for the sake of promoting their products and services.

Trust me when I tell you, people hate receiving such emails. 

And if they see a brand continuously rolling out such boring promotional emails, they’ll go through the trouble of opening one, scrolling down to the very bottom, and hitting that “Unsubscribe” button.

And while you should make sure that your emails are hyper-personalized, adding videos to emails has helped numerous marketers skyrocket your click-through rate and reduce your unsubscribe rate by over 75%.

We know – that’s insane.

Video email marketing is an effective email marketing strategy, but only if you do it right. To help you navigate the realm of video email marketing, we’ve put together this blog post, where we’ll be covering:

  • What is Video Email Marketing?
  • 3 Reasons Businesses Should Add Videos to Their Emails

We’re so excited to share this with you.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into it straight away.

What is Video Email Marketing?

Video email marketing isn’t a specialized form of email marketing. And it surely isn’t rocket science. Instead, it refers to the process of strategically adding videos to your email marketing campaigns, allowing you to not only engage the people in your email list but also increase the click-through rate.

People love videos. Some don’t want to go through the trouble of reading loads of text in front of them. And if you are rolling out chunks of text – then that may be the reason behind your low click-through rate. This can effect your entire email strategy as the more people don't click on your emails, the more often you will need to clean your email list of inactive or invalid addresses to avoid email providers marking your email as spam.

By incorporating videos into your emails, you’ll save them the trouble of reading long paragraphs. And while video email marketing is effective, that doesn’t mean just adding a link to the video. 

At the same time, it’s important to note that you can send only up to 25 MB in attachment. Anything more than that, Google will automatically upload the file to your Drive and send it to the recipients. 

And since there’s no thumbnail, there are lower chances that your audience will click through. And while you can embed video in email by using a static image with a play button or using a GIF, that’s just too much work.

First, you’ll have to record, edit and export the video. Then you’ll have to upload it to your website, Vimeo or YouTube. And then only you’ll be able to embed it in your email. 

Instead, you can use BIGVU to record, edit and send video emails – from under a single roof. BIGVU will simplify the end-to-end video email marketing process for you.

That being said, let’s learn about the benefits of video email marketing.

3 Benefits of Video Email Marketing You Should Know in 2024

Following are the benefits of video email marketing:

  • Helps Increase Open & Click-Through Rate
  • Helps Build Trust & Authenticity
  • Helps Stay Multiple Steps Ahead of Your Competitors

Helps Increase Open & Click-Through Rate

If you use the word ‘video’ in the subject line, you can increase your email open rates by over 19%, click-through rates by about 65%, and reduce unsubscribes by more than 26%.

Rolling out those same old, boring text-based emails – that most people do – will just make your emails go unnoticed. 

In today’s crowded market, if you want to catch your audience’s attention, you need to position yourself as unique. And you can do that by tapping into the power of video email marketing.

Helps Build Trust & Authenticity

When you roll out text-based emails, you are not putting your face in front of your audience. When you put your face in front of people, you’re indirectly building trust and authenticity. That’s because you’re putting the human side of your brand in front of your audience.

Putting a human face in your marketing efforts can help you:

  • Give your brand an identity
  • Make you look trustworthy
  • Your customers will know you.

And if the face is of a C-level executive or senior executive in your company – and if they are sharing some meaningful insights, then the chances of email list engagement are even higher. That’s because they are directly listening from your company higher-ups.

And they’d love that – as it’ll help you put a person with tremendous experience in front of your audience. Video emails will help you add that human touch that text-based emails fail to.

Helps Stay Multiple Steps Ahead of Your Competitors

Head over to the “Promotions” tab of your Gmail inbox and you’ll see that not many businesses are adding videos to their emails. Only a handful few are.


That’s because they think – it’s too much work and may require them to invest thousands of dollars and too much time.

But that’s not the case.

You don’t necessarily need to hire a professional videographer and create an outstandingly high-quality video for your email marketing campaigns to succeed.

Instead, you can have someone from your company record a talking-head video and edit it from within BIGVU. 

Learn how you can simplify the end-to-end Talking Heads Video Production and Editing process with BIGVU.

Once done with the editing, you can host it on BIGVU server using Video Pages. 

Click HERE to learn more about BIGVU Video Pages.

And this video page can then be embedded into your email in a few simple steps. 

If you want to understand how you can send a video through email with BIGVU, we’d advise you to check out our blog post on the subject.

Doing this will help you stay multiple steps ahead of your competitors. And trust me – your competitors will hate when you do it.


Video is an effective form of communication. And as good as video is, the production process doesn’t have to be complicated. 

Use BIGVU to simplify the end-to-end process the smart way.

Don’t wait around!

Tap into the power of video email marketing with BIGVU today.

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