
Want to effectively work with your team on video projects? Maybe, you want to review video scripts written by your social media team before they start producing videos. Or maybe you want to assign one or more of your sales team executives to work on a video project.

Working with your team members on videos has never been easier.

BIGVU now allows team members to work closely on video projects – as it’s now possible to:

  • Create an organization and different workspaces.
  • Invite and remove team members.
  • Assign roles and membership permissions.
  • Collaborate on scripts, video clips as well as brand + media library.
  • Manage and edit projects of different team members – depending on your role.
  • Assign projects to team members – depending on your role. 
  • And so much more!

Introducing BIGVU Team Collaboration on Videos

First, let us give you an overview of BIGVU’s Team Collaboration feature. 

We understand how important it is to collaborate with team members, especially in today’s remote environment. 

Let’s say you are the social media manager at Company X. Now, if you want to create four Instagram Stories for the month of November – to be published on your company’s Instagram channel, then you need to work closely with the video creator. To request assets and assign stuff, you don’t need to head over to Slack or Google Chat, or Microsoft Teams anymore. You can just add your video creator to your workspace and start assigning them stuff.

Do you want your video creator to write a script before he/she starts recording the video? All you need to do is assign the task to him/her. Do you want to review the video script before giving your video creator the green signal? You can just head over to his/her project directly from your Workspace. He/she doesn’t need to copy and paste the script to Google Docs and send it over via communication channels like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Here's a demo script written by one of our team members:

Now, if I want to review it, all I need to do is click on the project and review it from there:

Let’s dive deep into BIGVU’s Team Collaboration feature. 

BIGVU Workspaces

BIGVU was made for team collaboration. To collaborate with your team members, you can set up different workspaces. For example, our organization name is “BIGVU Content Team” and inside our organization, we’ve created five workspaces:

  • Demo Videos
  • Educational Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Posts
  • Testimonials

To create a workspace, head over to the “Add Member” option in the left panel. From there, you can create a workspace by clicking on the “+ Add Workspace” option.

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Next, you’ll be asked to fill in the workspace name and add its logo. Once done, the workspace will be created in the organization. 

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To invite a team member to your workspaces, click on “Invite Team Member” as displayed in the screenshot below:

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From here, you can even assign them membership permission and add a personal message.  

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Let’s learn more about roles and team permissions:

  • Owner - Owner of the organization and the workspaces – the one who sets up the organization and handles the billing. Owners have access to everything, including changing roles and permissions of other team members.
  • Admin - Admins can create, edit, and delete workspaces, invite team members, assign tasks to other team members, edit or delete projects and remove editors or members from the organization. 
  • Editor - Editors have complete permission to the workspace they are invited to. They can look at the projects created by others yet not edit or delete them. They can only edit or delete their own projects. 
  • Member - Members have access to workspaces they’re invited to. They don’t have any user permissions. They can just write a script, send it to the application, film and edit the video. They cannot remove any team member from the workspace or edit or delete projects that they don’t own. 

Got more questions? Check out our FAQ section.

Collaborating with Your Team Members

If you want to collaborate with your team members on your video projects, head over to Projects. You’ll be able to see all the videos, scripts, and edits by your team members in the workspace. Depending on your role, you will or will not be able to make the edits. 

If you want to assign an intern to create an Instagram video story, then you can ask them to write down a script before giving them the green signal. As an editor or admin, you can review the script once it’s done and give them the green signal. Next, you can ask them to film the video. Once it’s filmed, you can review it and suggest the necessary changes. You can even give them directions about how you’d like them to edit the video. If you’re an admin, you can make changes to editors’ and members’ projects yourself. 

Now, we’re logged in with an admin account and are accessing a project in the “Educational Videos” workspace titled “Preparing to Sell Your Home” by Bonnie. 

You can click on the project (as an admin) to look at the script. 

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As an admin, you can make edits to the script yourself. And that’s not all. You can add/remove the presenter to/from the project.

As an admin, you can also edit the video from within the BIGVU Video Maker.

As simple as that!

Manage Social Channels with Your Team Members!

Want to understand how content created by a specific team member is performing on social media? Or want to track your overall YouTube or Facebook video stats? You can do it from the “Social Channels” option.

Under “Social Channels,” you can filter metrics by time period. You can also look at your platform-specific metrics to understand how well you’re performing across different social media channels.

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You can also Filter by Users using the “Filter Per User” option as displayed in the screenshot below:

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By using this option, you can track and learn what each person is responsible for. 

Also, you can add different logos to different workspaces under “Branding.” 

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At the same time, you and your team members can add different media assets under “Media Library.”

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Build a Streamlined Video Production & Editing Process!

With BIGVU’s Team Collaboration feature, you don’t have to request changes on Slack or Microsoft Teams. At the same time, you don’t have to share your scripts with your team members as GDocs. We've made it easier for teams to collaborate with each other and we’d love to see you try it out.

Sign up today!