
Increasing audience engagement is one of the best ways to grow your online presence and draw more eyes to your message or product. However, with the internet filling with more and more content everyday, it can be challenging to stand out from the competition and make your voice heard. But don’t give up hope! Here are seven simple ways you can stand out and bring your message to new audiences everyday, and the most critical one is the one you already have: yourself! I’ll explain further:

1. Be Unique & Be Yourself

These two go hand in hand, because it can be tempting to try and be too unique, when you’re just beginning and trying to stand out. Just as you recognize when someone is trying to put on a character and not being their genuine self, viewers can see it too and it can make them uncomfortable and make your content difficult to engage with. But when you bring your voice to the table, talk about the things that interest you in your own voice, that genuineness that your audience will read from you is half the journey, and is all the uniqueness you need. Truly, if you accomplish this first step, you’re over half way there. For the rest of the way, here are the next steps.

2. Look Into Your Audience’s Eyes

We’ve all heard the saying, “The eyes are the windows to the soul,” and it’s true. When people want to test your sincerity, see what you’re feeling, they look into your eyes. So in order for you to show sincerity and give your audience full access to your personality, look into the camera. Talk directly to your audience like they’re standing in front of you, and give them that full dose of you.

3. Be Transparent

This is an important one if you’re doing promotion for a product or service. Make sure to give them the full tour of everything they can gain by using the product or service. And don’t be afraid to give them a behind-the-scenes look as well: what inspired you to create it, or your channel, what you’re excited about, what you’re nervous about. A general rule of thumb is that people have confidence in other people, not products, so if they trust you, they will trust what you have to offer. As part of that, make sure you are also transparent about the negatives: challenges you’ve had along the way, places where your product may not be helpful, or any cautions while using it, etc. This may seem counterintuitive, but your audiences will actually trust you more if they see you can be honest about yourself and what you have to offer.

4. Be Concise

You have only a few seconds to grab your audience's attention, and once you catch it, you need to work every moment to keep it. So make sure you open boldly and don’t ramble. A great way to avoid this for beginners is to write out a script and use a teleprompter to deliver it straight to your audience. This way, you keep eye contact, but you always know exactly what you want to say. The BIGVU teleprompter is perfect for this since you don’t need any fancy equipment, just the phone you already own! Download the app, add in your script--in just about any language--and the script scrolls right next to your camera lens so your viewers don’t even know you’re reading your words!

5. Don't Plagiarize

This hurts you in two ways: the first way being the more obvious, that being it’s illegal to plagiarize other people’s work, and will get you in trouble, including the sometimes irreparable damage to your reputation. Secondly, this goes back to our first point, you are always at your best when you are being you. You will always be second best at being someone else. So feel free to be inspired by other creator’s concepts and make them your own, but never make direct copies.

6. Use Body Language to Express Yourself

It isn’t particularly interesting to watch someone sit stiffly in one spot for the duration of a video. Make sure to sit or stand comfortably and use your natural body language when talking. If you talk with your hands, go for it, if your content is more mobile, feel free to walk around with it--the BIGVU teleprompter allows you to even livestream with your audience, so move around, keep audiences engaged, and don’t forget to smile!

7. Background

Your background is a great way to further express yourself as a content creator. It can help set the scene, whether you are standing in an office space to sell office supplies, a beautifully staged home to sell real estate, or in your room, telling viewers about yourself and your life. People take cues from your background, so make sure it matches your message. And if you don’t yet have a space that works for you, feel free to shoot with greenscreen and add a background in post-production. Green screen clothes are super affordable to purchase, and BIGVU gets rid of the all the time effort it usually takes to replace green screen in post-production. With just a few taps, it does all the work for you in minutes.

And there you have it! Seven simple ways to stand out so you can grow your audience and succeed online!

Try BIGVU today!

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