
“Personal branding is about managing your name, even if you don’t own a business - in today’s world of misinformation, disinformation as well as semi-permanent Google records. Going on a date? Chances are that your blind date has looked your name up on Google. Out for a job interview? Ditto.”
- Tim Ferriss

Let’s say you’re a business owner looking forward to hiring a freelance brand consultant. 

So, what you’ll probably do is head over to social media platforms, freelance platforms, or job boards and post your requirements.

Now, you sit back and wait for the proposals to come in.

Let’s say you received 100 proposals within a week. 

And now, you need to go through all these proposals and find the perfect fit. 

Upon scanning the applications, you shortlist ten of them – based on certain criteria.

Now, to find the right fit and gain more insights, you look up the candidates’ LinkedIn or Twitter profiles. If they have attached a video CV, you watch that as well.

Let’s say there’s a candidate named “Mark” with 250 LinkedIn followers but actually is at the top of his game (but you don’t know that). There’s another candidate named “John” who’s okay at his job yet has a serious LinkedIn following (100,000 followers) and a well-established personal brand.

Even if Mark is way better than John, you’d probably go with John.

The reason – John has built a well-established personal brand, which helps him position himself as credible, authoritative, and trustworthy in front of his potential clients. But that’s not the case with Mark.

Now, if you are just like Mark and are looking forward to establishing a rock-solid personal brand that helps you win clients or get jobs, we’re here to help you out.

Throughout this blog post, we’ll look at the three incredible personal branding tips that professionals should consider in 2022.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

3 Incredible & Proven Personal Branding Tips to Consider in 2022

Following are the three personal branding tips we strongly advise you to consider:

  • Be Genuine & Authentic
  • Invest in Storytelling
  • Invest in Video Marketing for Personal Branding

Be Genuine & Authentic

If you want to build a strong personal brand, being authentic is highly important. People will see right through you – at some point - if you try to be someone or something that you aren’t. 

Gary Vaynerchuk – one of the most authentic persons on the internet would not have been as famous as he is today if he didn’t focus on authenticity and genuineness. 

These days, people want to hear the truth, no matter how hard it is.

And that’s what Gary does. 

One of the reasons why his audience is heavily invested in him is that he doesn’t censor himself. Life’s not all rainbows and sunshine – as most brands portray it to be.

Whether you are a brand consultant or online coach, being authentic, genuine and a realist will help you position yourself as unique. That’s something that will get your audience to invest in you.

If you are a brand consultant, you shouldn’t use a statement like, “I’ll help you generate $100,000 by the end of this month.” Instead, here’s something that looks far more genuine, “I’ll help you generate $100,000 by the end of this month but only if you decide to invest in link building, brand awareness and give me full creative freedom.”

At the same time, while you’re posting on your social platforms, make sure that everything you post looks and feels authentic and genuine. 

That’s the #1 rule of building a solid personal brand.

Invest in Storytelling

People love stories. If you scroll through LinkedIn, you’ll find some of the most popular posts have one thing in common – a great story. And when we tell you that you should invest in storytelling, we mean way more than LinkedIn posts. 

Every single content piece that you publish (also including your About Me section), you need to tap into the power of storytelling.

If people love your brand story, they are 55% more likely to hire you or book a strategy call with you. At the same time, 44% would love nothing more than to share your story.

Brand storytelling is the future of marketing. 

You’ll already have lost half of your audience if you don’t have an engaging story in place. 

Let’s admit it – in today’s fiercely competitive world, people don’t really want to look at you promoting your services. 

Let’s say you are a copywriter and posted something on LinkedIn that says, “My sales copy helped a brand generate $1,000,000 last year.” 

The hard truth is – nobody cares. 

There are dozens of copywriters out there who are claiming the same.

To position yourself as unique and catch your audience’s attention, you need to convey a story. And here’s what a good story looks like:

  1. A brand was struggling with its sales copy.
  2. They were not generating any profits.
  3. They were facing numerous problems – {list down the problems}
  4. They hired me.
  5. {Describe your process}
  6. And they finally hit the seven-figure mark.

Almost all engaging stories have a few things in common:

  1. A good hook
  2. A struggling main character
  3. Problems being faced by the struggling main character
  4. A climax
  5. How things changed for the main character
  6. How the main character is happy now.

Replicate this formula and you’ll have a highly engaging story that your audience will not be able to resist.

Invest in Video Marketing for Personal Branding

Over a minute-long video is worth 1.8 million written words – it’s something we read on a website. And in our opinion, it’s the most beautiful thing someone has ever said. 

Our human brains have been hotwired to react to and love visual content. And while video marketing has helped and been helping numerous brands generate high-quality leads, grow their online venture, increase sales and generate revenue, you can use the same for your personal branding efforts as well.

Seeking a job? You can build a highly engaging video CV to stand out from the competition and catch the recruiters’ attention.

Want your clients to book a strategy call with you? You can use video to get more and more bookings.

And while most people ditch the idea of building a video from the ground up due to the number of hours and amount of effort they are required to invest, BIGVU simplifies the end-to-end process for you.

From writing a script to recording the video to editing it and adding personal branding visual elements like logo and more, BIGVU is an all-in-one video production and editing platform that helps you make and roll out videos with ease.

And the best part is – you can host your videos online using the BIGVU Video Page feature. That’s not all. You can edit this page and make it much more appealing to boost the chances of the viewers taking the desired action.

Here’s an example:

You can build the same to elevate your personal brand.


In today’s fiercely competitive world, personal branding is one of the most crucial elements that’ll help you reach the peak. Whether you’re a job seeker or a freelance brand consultant/realtor/online coach or whatever service you’re offering, building a rock-solid personal brand is the key to success.

And throughout your journey, we want you to equip yourself with the most dominating video production and editing platform – BIGVU.

Sign up today! 

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