
How to Add Karaoke Captions to Your Videos?

Utkarsh Jaiswal
Utkarsh Jaiswal
Copywriter, Content Writer

In content creation, where every video competes for attention, how can you make yours stand out?

Doesn’t matter if you or your brand is active on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn, your videos should have that one quality that keeps your audience engaged.

Producing visually appealing videos is one of the best ways to engage viewers. And adding captions to it can make your videos even more interactive.

But hold on a second…

We’re not talking about the same old boring captions everyone else is using. Nope, we’re talking about something way more exciting—like adding awesome ‘Karaoke’ styled captions to your videos.

Wait, is that even possible? Absolutely!

Stick with us, and we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process on how to add karaoke-like captions to your videos. 

It’s not just fun; it can boost your video’s watch time, likes, and shares.

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How to Add Karaoke Captions to Your Videos?
Table of Contents:

    How Can Karaoke-Styled Captions Supercharge Your Social Media Game?

    So, what exactly are Karaoke styled captions? If you've ever done karaoke, you know that you have to sing along with the highlighted words. Well, with BIGVU's sync to speech effect, it's the other way around. As you speak, the subtitles will be highlighted with the text animation you prefer! It's pretty cool, right?

    Here's why millions are choosing to apply karaoke inspired effects to their captions or subtitles:

    Videos Become More Convenient to Watch

    The karaoke subtitles significantly improve the overall viewing experience for your viewers. By highlighting the words in real-time, it makes easier for those with hearing impairments to follow and understand the content. 

    It brings a more enjoyable viewing experience for your each viewer. 

    Boosts Your Video Engagement

    These animated captions allow your viewers to focus more on your video content by visually syncing words to your speech. 

    It captivates your audience's attention, making the video more lovable and easier to follow. 

    Improves Your Retention Rate

    When you add karaoke-styled text, viewers find it easier to understand complex or fast-paced dialogues (if any) in your videos. 

    These synchronized subtitles acts as a visual guide, prevent confusion and help your audience to grasp, remember and like the information you shared. 

    Increase The Number of Shares

    After adding karaoke captions, your videos become more shareable on any social media platform. 

    Your audience will love the appealing content and are more likely to share it with their friends or followers. 

    This will increase the reach of your videos. 

    How to Add Karaoke Captions to Video with BIGVU?

    BIGVU is a power-packed video editing suite that allows you to make a karaoke-styled video and also gives you access to a bunch of other cool video editing features. 

    But first, let’s see how to make a karaoke-styled video with BIGVU-

    Step1- Sign In to BIGVU and Upload Your Video

    Step1- Upload Your Video to BIGVU

    First, log into your BIGVU account or create your new account if you’re new. It’s free to start! 

    Now you’ve two options-

    You can either record your video on the spot with BIGVU’s free online teleprompter, if you’ve a script with you.

    Or, you can upload your recorded video from your desktop or mobile.

    Step 2- Select Your Subtitles Language

    Step 2- Select Your Subtitles Language

    In the next step, select the language in which you want your captions to appear.

    Step 3- Open BIGVU Video Maker

    Step 3- Open BIGVU Video Maker

    After selecting language, BIGVU gives you multiple options to enhance your video and make it more professional. 

    For example, you can replace a green screen in your video with an eye-catching background, trim your videos, translate your subtitles, or fix the eye auto-focus with the camera. 

    However, to bring karaoke-style text in your videos, click ‘open video maker.’ From here you can select the style of your captions from almost 15+ themes, resize your videos, add music, and add intro and outro to your videos. 

    Step 4- Add Karaoke Style to Your Captions

    Step 4- Add Karaoke Style to  Your Captions

    Once you’re inside the BIGVU maker, click ‘themes’ and from the ‘speech sync option’, select the style of karaoke text that you prefer in your videos. 

    BIGVU gives you four options to select from. Let’s see them one by one. 

    1. Highlight Word

    This style highlights each word one by one as the speaker speaks, similar to that of a karaoke video. 

    2. Box Highlight

    It’s like the first one, but with the only difference that each word gets highlighted in a ‘box’ style. 

    3. Reveal

    In this style, the words are displayed on the screen one by one as the speaker speaks. Please keep in mind, that in the above two options, the complete caption is gets displayed at once on the screen and then each word is highlighted. 

    But here, the words get revealed as you speak.

    4. Single Word

    As the name suggests, in this style, only a single word pop on the screen every time, as the speaker talks. 

    Now you can choose any style and make your videos stand out by bringing a karaoke-styled text vibe in it. 

    Why Choose BIGVU As Your Go-To for Karaoke-Style Subtitles?

    Let me ask you a question…

    How will you feel after adding karaoke captions to your video, but those captions are not in sync with your speech? 

    Weird, right? You’ve done all the hard work, but still, you got an undesired video that you can’t post anywhere. 

    But the good news is that’s not the case with BIGVU. 

    What makes it stand out is its superpower to highlight each word in sync with your speech. It means when you speak any word in your video; it gets highlighted. 

    The result? 

    Your entire video looks pro-level and polished, making it a breeze for your audience to follow along and stay hooked.

    This makes it effortless for your viewers to follow what you’re saying and encourages them to view your video longer. 

    Next, as a brand or content creator, you want your videos to be easily recognizable by your audience. 

    But how?

    The easiest way to make your videos recognizable is when they match the vibe of your brand. And that’s what BIGVU lets you do.

    You can play with the colors of your captions! Yup, match them with your brand colors and make your videos recognizable.

    Change captions according to your brand colors

    And the cherry on top—BIGVU lets you connect your social media accounts, allowing you to post on all of them with just one click. You can connect up to 20 social media accounts on BIGVU and track its analytics

    Ready to Add Elegant Karaoke Styled Captions to Your Video?

    Now that you’ve seen how to make your videos stand out amongst others, who’s stopping you? 

    Try these cool karaoke-styled captions in your videos and them more recognizable, enjoyable, and engaging for your viewers. 

    Sign in to BIGVU to start now.