
How to create a Real Estate YouTube Channel

Jessica Becker
Jessica Becker
Online Coach & Writer

How Paul Fedynich went from a YouTube newbie to creating amazing real estate scripts, video content and generating new leads with the help of the BIGVU online teleprompter. 

When he first started, Paul Fedynich, a real estate agent, admitted not knowing everything about YouTube. He said it was more of a test and trial, and that’s how he also learned about BIGVU AI scripts and Teleprompter.  BIGVU helped him shape his scripts and give structure to his thoughts on camera. 

Hi, I'm Paul Fedynich, with the VIP Home Team and am a real estate agent, coach, trainer, and mentor. I have two YouTube channels; one is specifically dedicated to the real estate business, and the other is for my coaching and mentoring.

He is a BIGVU fan like us, so we had an insightful conversation with him to learn how BIGVU gave him the confidence to create real estate scripts, videos and generate more leads from YouTube.

We had a chat about the following topics:

  • Why should real estate agents start a real estate YouTube channel?
  • How do you use AI Scripts to sell homes and generate leads?
  • How should real estate agents use the BIGVU application for their businesses? 
  • What is the biggest benefit AI scripts?
  • What other features are best to use for real estate video marketing?
  • How has the teleprompter contributed to your Youtube channel's success?
  • Do you recommend BIGVU to other real estate agents?
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How to create a Real Estate YouTube Channel
Table of Contents:

    How Were You Creating Real Estate Videos Before BIGVU? 

    Just the application on my iPhone. I didn’t have any other applications for video creation and editing. I was struggling to create scripts, record and edit videos. I struggled with editing and deciding what real estate video tool to use to edit and write a script. BIGVU solved those problems for me because it has a script-writing and editing tool. You don’t need to use multiple applications. 

    Why create a real estate YouTube Channel?

    My mentor suggested starting a YouTube channel. I watched a few other agents and learned how they were doing it. I started making videos. I didn’t get everything right at the start. Some of my first videos weren’t great, but I never deleted them because they show my journey and how far I have come.

    Why did you decide to use BIGVU scripts and a teleprompter?

    I used the free version a few years ago but wasn’t into video making. It was just lying around, and I wasn’t using it. Anything can be as good as you use it. It popped up in my mind I decided to start my Youtube channel. I started with the free version again, and my first few videos were made with the free version. I still have them on the channel because I want them to be there. I liked the ease it offered and bought the premium version of the application. It's been a year or more, and I've never really looked back. I use the captions, AI scripts and Teleprompter. Compared with other lead generation tools that I use as a real estate agent, BIGVU is inexpensive and effective.

    Getting more leads using BIGVU

    I was making real estate videos using the free version, but I wanted to use more features and get away with the watermark. If you can get away with it, then why not?

    I use the Teleprompter and the AI script tool all the time. I would be stumbling on my words without it.

    Also, I have greater control over my video, such as knowing how long it will be before I start recording, It doesn’t get better than that. Before the application, I used to give walk-throughs of model homes and get stuck in doors while explaining the home's features. I can now record the walk-throughs, put music to them, and record a script with a summary of the features. This has definitely made things a lot easier for me.

    Captions are essential. I am guilty of not turning the audio on so many times, and that’s when BIGVU saves me big time. I can add captions to those videos, and it’s just an easy process. 

    What tool should you use for home real estate videos?

    BIGVU is a must-have script and video tool for real estate agents. It’s a cost-effective tool. You don’t have to spend tons of money on hiring a videographer or paying for scripts. I can create the script with AI, record it with a teleprompter, edit it, and hit publish with just the application. It just makes things a lot easier for real estate agents. My colleagues use it for scripts and captions too, and we all feel the same way. 

    What is the benefit of AI scripts for real estate agents?

    You just need to give it what you know; it will write you a perfect AI script. It saves time and helps me get enough dialogue in the script to make a real estate video. 

    What other features are best for agent's home videos and generating real estate leads?

    Yes, I love some of the other features as well. As I was talking above about shooting the home walk-throughs and then recording a script with summaries of them, I started adding music to those walk-throughs. Music has become my agent brand identity. I like the fading in and out editing option as well. No one wants to see static videos. Leads lose attention.

    The subtle animation makes the real estate video ten times better. It keeps people focused on you instead of losing interest and moving on. 

    Do Real Estate Scripts work for agents?

    I have been an agent in the real estate business for 20 years but I am not a real estate video expert. I met my real estate agent mentor, and he suggested I start making videos. I had seen people making videos for their Youtube channels in my industry but had yet to experience doing it myself. I dug in and created a few real estate videos. It was a hassle. I then came across BIGVU and tried its free version. I like it because it’s easy to use the application, create the real estate script, and get done with the work. I bought Premium and have made many home videos using it. My most famous home videos were made using the application. It has helped me with my video creation needs, saved me time, and brought me new leads. I have learned new things from the application and live webinars.

    How should an agent start recording real estate videos?

    The key is to get started. I felt intimidated at first because I was not a script and video guy. I started using the platform, and it solved many of my problems.

    I get a script written in minutes and record videos quickly. I can add captions and edit videos. Because of all these features that I have used myself and love, I recommend BIGVU to everyone I know. I coach other businesses as part of the #DoCrew family. It’s a group of go-getters. We meet on Monday mornings and talk about business trends and generating leads We record these meetings with BIGVU and put them online. 

    Agents must invest in scripts and lead generation!

    You must invest in your business, is what I tell everyone. If you don’t invest in your business, it won’t produce the desired leads and results. 

    You need a script tool to make your work as an agent easier and create real estate scripts faster.  An application that is simple to use and cost-effective. A script tool that saves you tons of time every time you create content. 

    BIGVU is just that. Every real estate agent should start using the BIGVU teleprompter, create real estate scripts from AI, save time and create content to generate leads and close deals. I highly recommend giving it a try!