
E-commerce Video for Small Businesses: Strategies for Integrating Video into Online Shopping Experiences

Keisha Washington
Keisha Washington
Video Creator and Marketing Coach

Running a small e-commerce business online can feel like shouting into the void. But what if you could showcase your products in a way that boring pictures can't? Videos are your secret weapon for two simple reasons. First of all, such content has a worldwide audience reach of 92%, according to DOIT Software. Secondly, they're easy to make, even with a smartphone. Moreover, they can turn curious clickers into happy customers.

Without further ado, let's look at different types of ecommerce videos. Then, explore some strategies to help you create and integrate them effectively.

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    Types of E-commerce Videos for Small Businesses

    Understanding different video formats will help you create engaging content for your audience. Let's go over some options you may want to opt for:

    Product Demonstration Videos

    These videos highlight a product's key features and show how it solves actual problems.

    Take the Nespresso demo, for example. It does an excellent job demonstrating what their coffee machine can do through high-quality visuals and editing. The footage is clear, putting the entire spotlight on the product itself. You get up-close views of the machine frothing smooth milk to perfection. Detailed shots zoom in on every part - the buttons, markings, even the lid. 

    The video, which lasts one minute, allows you to completely understand the product's capabilities and ease of use.

    Customer Testimonial Videos

    Customer testimonial videos are great for building trust. Instead of just making claims, you let happy customers share their real stories.

    Codecademy does this well with their "Learner Stories". Their primary focus is on the customer's journey and experience rather than directly promoting the platform. For example, it's over two minutes in Christine M's story before she even mentions Codecademy.

    Letting clients tell their authentic stories makes the company's impact shine through naturally. The customers clearly state that the product or service truly changed their lives.

    Behind-the-Scenes Videos

    This content gives your audience a candid look at the making of your products and your company culture. For example, Adobe Creative Cloud introduces the people who create their popular products. The video shows the diverse team of designers and developers, highlighting how passionate the team is about their work.

    Behind-the-scenes videos can engage potential customers by offering an authentic view of your company.

    Explainer Videos

    Such content is great for introducing your product or service in an easy, fun way. The explainer video from Unroll.Me can serve as a great example. It does an excellent job of showing the problem that they solve. And because it shows real people (or at least seems to), it feels believable.

    No matter which type of video you create, the key is to make it engaging and relatable. Have fun with it, and let your passion for your business shine through! Now, let's look at easy ways to create and add these videos to your online presence for better results.

    Strategies for Effective Video Integration

    Next, we'll look at some simple tips for making great videos and using them well on your website.

    High-Quality Production

    Making a great ecommerce video that leaves a positive impression is really important these days. Using quality gear, like a decent camera and microphone, can help elevate your content. But you don't necessarily need expensive equipment to get good results. Even proper lighting can make a huge difference.

    Remember that the right windows or lamps can create harsh shadows or glares that don't look good. A ring lamp can help by giving you nice, even light. But make sure to use it properly. Plus, you can also use things like softeners or reflectors to make the light look more natural.

    Now, when you're filming all on your own, some common challenges tend to pop up. Here are several pitfalls people often face, along with some helpful solutions to tackle them:

    Lack of eye contact

    Maintaining eye contact is one of the most common problems when filming videos. It helps establish a connection with your audience and conveys professionalism. But looking into the lens gets awkward after a while, particularly if you use notes or a teleprompter. AI eye contact auto-fix tools can solve this problem by adjusting your gaze to appear as if you're looking directly into the camera.

    Time-consuming editing and post-production

    Another common issue is the time-consuming process of video editing and post-production. Trimming and cutting videos can be tedious, especially if you need to identify specific sections. Video trimming tools can simplify this process by allowing you to edit your video by selecting words. 

    Missing subtitles

    ​​Adding subtitles helps you reach audiences that prefer to watch without sound or have hearing impairments. But manually typing subtitles can be a laborious task. Automatic subtitle generators can transcribe your video and add perfectly synced subtitles. 

    Background noise

    Background noise can also be a significant problem, especially if you're filming in a less-than-ideal environment. Background noise removal tools can automatically eliminate unwanted sounds like chatter, traffic, or other distractions.

    Distracting background

    An existing setting can distract from the professionalism of your ecommerce video. Video background removal tools allow you to easily replace the original background with a stunning image or video.

    Mobile Viewing Optimization

    Over 60% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices nowadays. Hence, optimizing an ecommerce video for mobile viewers is crucial. Here are the key areas to focus on:

    Resolution and Aspect Ratio

    For crisp, clean visuals on small screens, use higher resolutions like 720p or 1080p. As for aspect ratio, stick to 16:9 for horizontal/landscape videos, and 9:16 for vertical/portrait mode.

    Video Codecs The H.264 codec is a solid, widely compatible choice. But for even better compression, consider newer options like H.265 (HEVC) – just make sure it plays nicely across different devices and browsers.


    It is all about striking that perfect balance between video quality and file size. Higher bitrates look amazing but can mean slower load times. Lower bitrates download faster but might appear a bit fuzzy. So, do some testing to find that sweet spot.

    Adaptive Streaming

    By using protocols like HLS or DASH, your video's quality can automatically adjust based on the viewer's internet speed. That way, it streams smoothly without buffering or freezing up, even on inconsistent mobile signals.

    Strategic Video Placement

    The placement of your ecommerce video on your website can make a huge difference in how engaged your visitors get. Showing quick videos of the products in action on product pages is super helpful. It gives people a real feel for how the item looks and works in the real world. That extra bit of confidence can push them over the edge to hit that 'Buy' button.

    Embedding relevant videos on your landing pages is a smart move to nurture those potential leads. Such content can walk clients through your marketing funnel way more effectively than just text. People typically remember 95% of the info when it's delivered in a video, compared to only 10% when reading text. So, the videos will really help that key info stick.

    Compelling Calls-to-Action  

    Having a compelling call-to-action that guides viewers is key. It could be purchasing the product, signing up for a free trial, or engaging further with content. Don't just rely on links in video descriptions. Use easily visible end cards and crisp graphics, or integrate the CTA right into the video narrative itself. 

    Testing and Analytics

    Keeping track of how your ecommerce video performance is important. Look at how many views they get, if people are engaging, and if they lead to clicks or sales. Those numbers will show you what's working and what's not.

    But don't just stop there! Try making a few different versions of the same video to see which one performs better. You could test out different intros, calls-to-action, or even video lengths. Put those variations out on various platforms or show them to different audiences. With all that data, you can really dial in on what resonates best instead of just guessing.

    Additional Considerations for Small Businesses

    Here are some extra factors to keep in mind:


    Investing in professional equipment and production services can be cost-prohibitive for small businesses. However, you can still create decent-quality ecommerce product videos for marketing on a budget using tools:

    • Smartphone (ideally a recent model with a good camera)
    • Tripod or stable surface to eliminate shaky footage  
    • External microphone to capture clear audio
    • Basic lighting kit with softboxes/reflectors for even illumination

    Proper planning and execution are crucial to getting the most out of this basic setup for ecommerce video production.

    Time Commitment

    Creating a great ecommerce video is highly time-consuming. A lot of work goes into every step:

    • Scriptwriting implies writing the entire script for what will be said and shown
    • Filming requires gathering all the filming equipment, locations and getting all the proper footage
    • Editing means stitching all the clips together, adding graphics and animations, etc.

    Finding the time and people to handle this can be tough without disrupting normal operations. Even a simple 2-minute video may need hours of work. 

    You have to realistically assess if your team can dedicate that kind of time without neglecting other tasks. A quality ecommerce video demands a massive investment at every stage. Having a solid plan for who will take on those video production responsibilities is crucial.


    Writing great scripts for an ecommerce video is super important, but it can feel like a huge hassle. Staring at a blank page and trying to get the perfect narrative down is just frustrating. Even when you manage to get words on the page, the endless editing feels like a neverending cycle.

    The reality is that you need to do more than just wing it or improvise effective product videos. It would be best if you took the time upfront to:

    • Figure out your core product messaging
    • Map out a logical, compelling story
    • Plan all the visuals - shots, b-roll, graphics, etc.

    Luckily, there are now simple tools that can make scriptwriting much easier. Script generators can automatically draft an initial script based on some basic info about your product. And rewriting tools allow you to quickly tweak things like the length, tone, and wording with just a few clicks.

    Summing up

    By using different video types and smart integration, you make online shopping more enjoyable. Just mind your budget, time, and scripting to make sure your content connects with customers. With good planning and the right tools, ecommerce videos can be a big part of your marketing in 2024.