
Among the various digital marketing strategies available, statistics show that video
marketing is one of the most effective methods today.  Shivanjali Pawar  revealed that
87% of video advertisers said that video content allowed them to increase their online
traffic. In addition, 80% of them claimed that releasing video content helped them in
improving their sales.

With video marketing alone, it is already evident that digital marketing, or marketing
in general, is necessary to help companies attain their business goals. In an article
by LHH, they shared that marketing is essential because it guides companies into
making data-driven decisions. This is because marketing utilizes modern tools to
gather data and metrics that will be used to gain insights into campaign performance,
consumer behavior, and ROI. With this information, marketing professionals can
make strategic decisions, allowing companies to increase their revenue.
If you plan to use video marketing as part of your marketing strategy, remember that
it’s not as easy as putting out video content online. Here are four common video
marketing mistakes that you should avoid and some tips on how to overcome them:

Overselling your product

As much as you want to make your brand compelling to your target audience, ensure
that you’re not making any empty promises. Once customers purchase your product
and realize that what you advertised in your video is different, they will no longer buy
from your shop in the future. They might also post negative reviews in your video’s
comment section, preventing other people from buying your product. As we shared in
our article on ‘How to Get People to Watch Your Video’, don’t overcomplicate it.
Don’t add too much fluff in your words. Be direct and specific with your product's
offer while engaging your audience.

Creating videos that are too long

A study published by Science Daily explains that the collective attention span of
humans is narrowing because of the abundance of information available online. So,
create short and informative videos if you want to produce video content that people
will watch and enjoy. The ideal length of your video can vary depending on which
platform you plan to post them on. For instance, it’s best to share videos that are less
than one minute or stories that are less than 20 seconds on Facebook. For Tiktok,
videos between 21 and 34 seconds are recommended if you want the best results. But
if you’re uploading videos on Youtube, you can get away with a 15-minute long

Flooding videos with too much information

In relation to consumers having shorter attention spans, you can better assist your
target audience in making purchase decisions by keeping only the relevant
information in your video. Apart from helping them understand your message, this
will prevent them from experiencing information overload when viewing your
content. If you have many materials to share, consider dividing and creating different
videos for each main topic. By doing so, you not only ensure that your videos are
concise, but you will also be able to keep your videos within the suggested video
length for each social media platform.

Not having a clear call-to-action section

Call-to-actions (CTA) are closing statements that guide consumers on what to do after
watching your video. These closing statements are essential in your videos and are
useful in helping you secure a potential lead. Because it’s only a short section at the
end of your video, ensure that you use simple and concise language so that viewers
can quickly follow your instructions. A LinkedIn post discusses that when
implementing a CTA in your video content, pick powerful action words, such as
“Sign up for this masterclass” or "Join us today.”