
Video is the future; short-form and long-form videos are here to stay. It is a necessity for businesses to incorporate video in their marketing content if they want to stand out from others on social media platforms.

It’s essential for businesses to tell their story and what their product means to them. People are interested in getting to know you and why your product is unique before buying. People buy when they know someone, trust and find value in their product.

Businesses need the social presence and social proof to back their claims to win over customers. If you aren’t on social and not producing any content to support your product, then not many will buy it.

Building an engaged online community that follows you for your content and product to make sales happen is essential for an online business. 

Need help writing a video script? BIGVU’s AI Magic Writer will write it for you in less than 5 minutes.

Talk about Your Business

LinkedIn is the best platform to talk about your business/product. Personal branding is the new big thing on the platform, and if you are just starting and don’t have the budget to hire a marketing agency or an in-house team, you can start with your own personal profile. 

Make content and post it on your profile. Content creators, entrepreneurs, business owners, and individuals build their brands to promote their services, talk about their startups and products, and share their journeys.

Most of these people rely on video content to get attention. A 40-second video is watched more than a written article that most people won’t read. The video takes less time and conveys more hence it works better for businesses. 

You can use BIGVU Teleprompter to write, record and edit a video within minutes. We understand that being an entrepreneur, it gets challenging to take out hours to create video content. Our teleprompter and magic writer helps you batch-create content to post throughout the week while you run your business. 

Video Creation is Intimidating 

Being on camera is intimidating. People get nervous and conscious in front of the camera. The creator you think is perfect and never comes across as “nervous” in videos struggles with the same. Everyone does, and it’s very human to feel this way. This does get better with practice, as everything else does. 

If you practice making a video five times daily, you will also ace it. Use our Magic AI writer to make it even easier and less hectic. You can write scripts and posts with it in minutes. 

Tap on the speak button and say whatever comes to mind; the very next minute, you have the script ready to be recorded. 

It was made considering that we are human and we are not perfect. You can take as many retakes as you like to have the video that does the job for you.

Now is your time to shine and create videos you like. 

Danielle Huard, an expert in communication, shared that it’s even intimidating for her to record a video daily. It’s alright to feel intimidated once you’re starting. The feeling goes away once you start and settle in. 

The Struggle for Getting the Perfect Shot

Video and content creation comes with the struggle of acing it—the perfect shot, the perfect punch line, the selling hook, and whatnot. 

You don’t need fancy equipment; to start and take the perfect shot. Mobile phones have done such a great job with cameras that you can create high-quality videos with your phone. 

Don’t have a tripod? Get creative. Use anything you have to place your camera on it and get rolling. 

Place it on a table, a pile of books or whatever works for you. 

I have used a pile of books to place my phone to take interviews; believe me, it works. 

You can simply change backgrounds for videos using the BIGVU application. Choosing a suitable background for your video is very important to make it engaging. 

A laptop, a light, a tripod, and BIGVU’s application is all you need to create a high-quality video.

Equipment is a lot cheaper now than it was two years ago. Use what you can afford and start recording.

You can redo it if the first video doesn’t look great. Take retakes but start recording.

How Can You Build Confidence
to Be on Camera?

Danielle Huard - "It’s not much different from what you do when you’re going on a first date. You’re anxious and overthinking, but putting on nice clothes, a scent you like, a lipstick for the woman, just do whatever feels nice, and you will realize that this activity boosts your confidence."

A camera is just like meeting a new person. Once you get comfortable around them, you are yourself. The camera is similar to opening up to a stranger. 

Rather traditional advice is to practice in front of a mirror. See yourself and how you look while talking, and this will help you make peace with how you look and ultimately become less conscious. 

To wrap up the whole discussion in a few lines, it won’t be wrong to say that your imperfection is perfection. Everything ceases to matter the moment you decide to start. 

Take the first step today and start recording. Scripting and recording is not a problem anymore with BIGVU’s teleprompter so why not just start? 

Worried about having to subscribe to use the application? Worry not because that’s not the case here.

Sign up now to get a 7-day free trial of our AI Magic Writer and create awesome content effortlessly.
Plus, catch our podcast version of the webinar on-the-go if you can't watch the whole thing. Don't miss out on these amazing resources!