It's no secret that quality filmmaking takes time, money, equipment—and experience. What if there was an easy way to make high-quality footage without any of those restrictions?
All it takes is following some basic steps on how to use your camera phone like a pro, and keep doing it repetitively.
In this article, we'll show you how to take amazing videos on your smartphone by making adjustments on some key settings while also providing guidance on how to act confidently in front of the camera:
1. Body Language
2. Audio
3. Lighting
4. Position
5. Green Screen
6. Practice
7. Creativity
1) Body Language - Straight Posture and Eye Contact
With your body, aim for a straight posture, good eye contact, and a smile that comes from within. Your voice should also be projected, so be aware of how you sound and what your tone is conveying.
If it seems like you’re yelling at someone or if it sounds like you’re nervous (i.e., squeaky voice), try taking deep breaths before speaking up or use an app to warm up your voice prior to speaking into the camera.
Last but not least, don’t forget to keep those arms out of your pockets and hands away from your face! It creates a barrier between yourself and the audience and makes you look awkward on video.
2) Audio - Find a Quiet Space
You want your video’s sound quality to be as good as possible. To make sure you get great audio, find a quiet place where you can record yourself speaking.
When recording in a noisy area, use a portable recording device or app so that you don’t pick up background noises from things like fans and traffic. Also, remember to keep noise from your computer or phone out of your recording by using headphones if they have an option for only external sounds.
3) Natural or Artificial Light?
A common rookie mistake is recording a video in front of a window, where there is plenty of natural light. This does not make for an appealing final product because you’ll end up with a washed-out video.
Rather than going out and purchasing expensive lighting or recording in less-than-optimal locations, simply use your desk lamp as your main source of lighting. It might not be as pretty, but it’s cheap and easy to do.
4) Positioning Correctly
Make sure to talk directly to the camera (not the green screen) and keep your shot balanced and centered. Find a natural angle that doesn’t make you appear too close or too far away from the screen.
Avoid distractions in the background, but make sure you can stand still for longer than 10 seconds at a time. A tripod is recommended if possible.
5) Green Screen
While green screen might seem like an expensive, complex project, it doesn’t have to be. Because green screen is just a backdrop, you can use any solid color (preferably not shiny) sheet of material in front of a wall or your TV and achieve similar results.
This kind of setup is great for people who want more control over their background and feel they need something that's more flexible. You can also get green screens pre-made and ready to go.
6) Practice Before You Film
You might be tempted to think that you’ll just stumble through your video once and then edit out all of your mistakes, but it’s much better if you can practice on camera before going live.
It will help you find different ways of saying things, and ensure that there are no technical issues while filming. Plus, it will give you time to get more comfortable with appearing in front of a camera—making viewers more likely to engage.
We suggest writing out your script or bullet points before practicing on camera. After your first few tries, see if you can do it without referring back to any notes (keeping your hands in frame helps remind you not to make any stray gestures). Eventually, memorize what you’re going to say before hitting the record.
7) Add Creativity!
The most important element in video creation is creativity. If you don’t have ideas or stories to tell, a high production value won’t save your video from being dull and forgettable.
Ask yourself, What do I want people to take away from watching my videos? What will they remember me for? And how can I use that as my guidepost for content creation?
The key is knowing what your brand is before you start making a video. If you don’t know who you are or what your brand stands for—figure it out.
Producing high-quality videos for small businesses doesn't require expensive filming equipment or being savvy at video editing. Using just your smartphone is surely enough to produce great videos on a consistent basis for your website or social media.
Yes, it might be intimidating at first, as the first few tries might get a little frustrating. But if you follow the guidelines of this article, and maybe consider buying a green screen or a tripod, we are confident in your ability to make amazing videos in minimal time.
BIGVU might be helpful as well.
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