
“Video marketing is the most effective way of getting someone’s attention and engaging them for a substantial period of time. And if you keep them engaged, you’ll be on your way to building trust. Building trust is the only way you’ll be able to convert your target audience into long-term and happy customers/clients.”
- David Grimes

Did you know that real estate listings with videos receive about 403% more inquiries than text-based listings? At the same time, you’ll be shocked to know that about 85% of real estate buyers, as well as sellers, are more likely to work with a real estate agent that uses videos for marketing than one who doesn’t. 

For most people, purchasing a home is one of their life’s biggest and most expensive decisions. And if they are spending their top dollars on purchasing a new home, they’ll obviously think it through. The thing is - if they are looking forward to engaging with a real estate agent, they’d obviously prefer working with someone who they feel they can trust. 

And there’s no better way to build trust than by tapping into the power of videos. Putting your face in front of your target audience will help you position yourself as credible and authentic. Doing this will not only help you create a great first impression, but it’ll also help you close more clients.

But the only problem is – real estate agents are under the impression that they’ll have to spend their valuable time and top dollars producing marketing videos. And while that’s true, BIGVU simplifies video marketing like nothing we’ve ever seen before. 

That being said, to help you get the most out of your video marketing efforts, we’ve put together five insane video marketing ideas that you should implement to level up your real estate business.  

5 Insane Video Marketing Ideas Realtors Should Implement to
Level Up Their Real Estate Business

Following are the five video marketing ideas realtors should implement to level up their real estate business:

  • Create a Knockout Video Profile
  • Create Video Listings & Walkthroughs
  • Roll Out News Update Videos to Build Stronger Connections
  • Use Video Testimonials to Build Trust
  • Add Call to Actions to Your Videos

Create a Knockout Video Profile

Remember – there are hundreds, if not thousands, of realtors in your neighborhood trying to attract the same set of people you are. Amidst this fierce competition, if you want to close more and more high-ticket clients, you need to stand out. 

Let’s say you are looking forward to purchasing a home in California. If you’re looking forward to hiring a realtor, chances are that you’d ask your close ones to recommend a trusted and reliable realtor. However, if they don’t have anyone on their list, you’d have no other choice but to hop onto Google and look up one. 

Now, as soon as you type the keywords “real estate agency california” or “best realtors california,” or other relevant keywords, you’d come across hundreds of thousands of real estate websites with numerous real estate profiles. With so many options in front of you, it’d be so much hard to make a decision.

You’ll find most of these profiles to be text-based, along with a snapshot of the realtor, which is why it’s so hard to build genuine connections. 

BUT! What if you find a realtor who went through the trouble of recording a video – just to show you how he/she can help you out? Wouldn’t that impress you? 

Building video introduction videos will help you create not only a great first impression but also humanize your real estate brand. By putting your face out there, you’ll be taking the first step towards building a strong connection – which is why video works as well as it does.

With BIGVU, you don’t have to go through the trouble of spending hours recording a video with a clear-cut message. Instead, all you need to do is download the application, prepare your script, and hit the “Record” button. 

Create Video Listings & Walkthroughs

63% of US-based homebuyers made an offer after watching a home’s video listing/walkthrough in 2020. As mentioned already, real estate listings with videos receive about 403% more inquiries than text-based listings. 

For most people, purchasing a home is one of their most expensive life decisions. And if they are going to make an offer, they won’t solely base their decision on looking at a property’s pictures. At the same time, prior to visiting a home for an actual tour, they’d prefer to watch a video. After all, it’s extremely hard to judge a property and neighborhood by looking at its pictures and reading the text description.

Instead, by watching video listings, real estate buyers can make smart decisions. You don’t really need to create 3-4 minutes long video listings. Instead, a 45-60 second video would do just fine. 

And with BIGVU, you can spice it up by adding music as well as making the much-needed edits from within the application.

Roll Out News Update Videos to Build Stronger Connections

If you want to establish your real estate business as credible and authoritative, you need to do way more than promote your real estate services. Instead, you should be laser-focused on delivering actual value to your target audience.

For instance, if you are offering your real estate services in California, then you can roll out monthly real estate market update videos – sharing the current state of residential and commercial real estate. At the same time, you can create videos revolving around real-time situations that may be related to your local real estate market, like the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, hot deals, and more.

And this isn’t just applicable to current buyers. By rolling out news updates, you’ll be positioning yourself as a reliable real estate brand – which means whenever a real estate buyer or seller plans to sell his/her house, they’ll reach out to you.

Use Video Testimonials to Build Trust

These days, it’s extremely hard for people to trust anyone online. This means – even if you offer top-quality real estate service yet don’t have a good online presence, people will find it extremely hard to trust you. 

If you want to build long-lasting relationships and grow your business, the first thing you need to focus on other than offering top-quality service is building trust. 

And there’s no better way to build trust than by having your past customers applaud your real estate services. 

About 92% of consumers have reported that online reviews, as well as testimonials, impact their purchasing decisions. And with video converting better than other forms of content, video testimonials will help you build a strong connection with your audience.

And with BIGVU simplifying the video production and editing process, requesting video testimonials from your past clients has never been easier. 

Read our most recent blog post on “Using Video Testimonials to Position Your Brand as Credible & Trustworthy” to feel the full force of video testimonials.

Add Call to Actions to Your Videos

If you are going through the trouble of recording videos – you’d want your audience to take some kind of action, right? That’s where Call-to-Actions come in.

With BIGVU Video Pages, you can create impeccable video landing pages to promote your real estate business and deliver value to your audience. And the best part about these pages is that you can add custom CTAs to increase your conversion rate.


Whether you want to promote your real estate services or give your audience a video tour, you can smartly tap into the power of video marketing to level up your real estate business with BIGVU. From recording videos to editing them to hosting them on branded pages, BIGVU allows video marketers and real estate businesses to put their best foot forward without them having to spend too much time and money on any of it.

So, what are you waiting for?

Dominate your local real estate market with BIGVU.