
How BIGVU helps Sascha Chatman market his real estate agency

Sarah Stanfield
Sarah Stanfield
Customer Success

Sascha Chatman, the team leader of Chatman Realty Group, is a three-time eXp ICON agent and real estate video marketing coach. While he started as a solo agent, he now has a team of 13 agents. They have offices in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston, San San-Antonio (his hometown!), Texarkana, and Atlanta, Georgia.

Sascha is a BIGVU fan and recommends it to other agents often. We sat down with him for a candid chat to learn what keeps him hooked on BIGVU and how he recommends that other real estate agents use it to draw more leads.

We covered the following topics:

  • BIGVU vs. a professional video editor
  • How does using a teleprompter help?
  • How BIGVU changed the video process for agents he coaches
  • Which AI script feature is his go-to?
  • Establishing familiarity through video marketing
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How BIGVU helps Sascha Chatman market his real estate agency
Table of Contents:

    How Sascha Chatman, REALTOR®, aced video marketing with BIGVU

    How Did You Create Videos for Real Estate Before BIGVU?

    I have an editor, but we use BIGVU for editing as it cuts the editing time. Before BIGVU, I was using a hodgepodge of different things. The main issue was editing long-form content into short-form content to upload the next day. I had to put in nights to edit as the editor wasn’t always reliable. BIGVU has helped me get my sleep back; I can now edit videos easily using the application. 

    “The biggest issue that real estate agents face is what are they going to say. I love the fact that you guys have the AI Magic Writer there. Before AI, I was just going to numerous real estate websites and doing a ton of research myself”.

    Before BIGVU, preparing a video may have taken me about an hour, just to find out what I wanted to make a video about.

    Now, I edit my long videos into multiple short videos using the application, spending less time than I used to. People often ask me how I do it all; my answer is just don’t complicate it.

    What Made You Switch to the BIGVU Teleprompter? 

    I came across BIGVU during an event where we were doing a lot of video creation, and I wanted to do it from my phone; that’s how I used BIGVU for the first time, and I have never looked back. If a product is good, it grows on you, and BIGVU has grown on me. I recommend BIGVU in my video coaching class all the time. I am a tech guy, and if I come across something useful, I don’t mind sharing it with others. 

    I have ADHD, so the scripting tool really helps me collect my thoughts and focus on an idea. If you struggle with collecting your thoughts and focusing on one idea, BIGVU is going to help you big time. You can use it on your phone and desktop; this is the arsenal you need in your business. It has saved me hours that I used to spend on different applications doing exactly what I can do in an hour with BIGVU.  

    How Has BIGVU Helped Your Coaching Clients' Videos?

    As Sascha mentioned, he recommends the application in his coaching class and to his clients; we wanted to ask him about their experience with BIGVU. 

    As I said, the biggest problem that we, as real agents, face is figuring out what we will say in our videos. BIGVU Magic AI Writer solved this for my clients and friends, leaving no excuse for them not to turn to video marketing for their businesses.

    “The fact that you can choose a topic and have a script written for you using the BIGVU Magic AI Writer—that's pretty cool.”

    I love that you can verbally interact with it, and it will write different scripts for you to choose from. You don’t need to write anything to give directions - it’s insane how easy and convenient it is to get scripts written using the Magic AI writer. If you would have asked me about a tool like this a few years ago, I would not have trusted you, but now that I have used it myself, it’s safe to say it works.

    What AI Script Writer feature should a REALTOR® definitely use?

    I am really into using the “Script for Tips” feature to get brief pointers for different topics. 

    For example- it gave me tips on buying versus renting, tips on why you should buy a house here, tips on getting prepared for your home inspection, appraisal, etc. I love doing this because you enjoy how accurate the answers are. You don’t have to google everything now. You can simply ask the AI writer to do the research for you.

    What kind of videos should Real Estate Agents create?

    Your content is your pitch. Gone are the days when real estate agents had to present a pitch only in person. You need to create educational and informative content. Educate your target audience on rentals, selling, and buying. Add value through your content. If your content helps them make an informed purchase, they will trust your word. They will be down to do business with you than with anyone else. 

    You need to establish familiarity with your audience through content so that you come to mind when they think of getting services related to real estate. You should make lots of “How To” content”.

    You can start a series of educating first-time buyers. You can start targeting people looking to rent properties in a particular place. Help them decide which place will work best for them. 

    Working in the real estate industry and not using video marketing? You’re missing out big time! Tell your story, connect with people, build connections, and see your business grow. 

    You need a tool to get your videos out at the end of the day. A tool that is simple to use and very effective. A tool that saves you tons of time every time you create content. 

    BIGVU is that tool. Every real estate agent should start using BIGVU teleprompter, stand out, and create an identity for themselves.

    Sign up now and start your 7 Day Free Trial