
Every business, brand, and individual thinks of promoting their services with Facebook and Instagram advertisements at some point. It is one of the highest-paying and in-demand skills. 

Some might argue about who uses Facebook anymore. While it seems that way, it is not the case. Before you start advertising on both platforms, you must hear what Laurie Wang, a digital marketing strategist, and consultant, says about advertisement. 

Set Objectives in Place Before Anything:

It is very important to get a foundation understanding of Facebook ads right. If your ad gets rejected, you need to check the Facebook ads policy before anything. The policy is constantly changing all the time, which is why you need to check it before anything else. Sometimes, there are automated checkers on ads, and you can resubmit your ad, which will get approved. 

Before creating and running the ad, it is essential to set objectives for the ad. Why is it so important to define your ad objectives? Because sometimes, when we see other businesses and creators promoting their services with Facebook, Tiktok, and Instagram ads, we want to jump the gun and do it for ourselves as well.

FOMO in marketing is real; when everyone is following a strategy, and it seems like it’s working for them, you also think of trying it. 

But unfortunately, if we don’t have an end goal in mind, what we are driving this ad toward, then you’re just running ads for the sake of running an ad and not missing on ads. Think about what you want to accomplish with running an ad before you run an ad. 

For example, if you are into a service-based business, whereby you want individuals selling into workshops, signing up for training, and also course buying, these are different goals here.

If your goal is to drive sales, I must focus on one objective. You can choose to build my email subscribers and then make my audiences submit their email addresses on the website. The ultimate goal is to drive lead generation, and by doing this, you are driving your audience toward it. 

But why would they submit their email addresses? 

You can lead them to your landing page in exchange for an email, giving them a freebie for submitting their email address. 

You cannot entice people to take action without including something (freebie, giveaway, reward) for them in it. 

Laurie emphasizes the importance of creating content that resonates with your audience. She suggests that businesses should focus on creating "thumb-stopping" content that captures the attention of users as they scroll through their feeds. This means that the content should be visually appealing, and informative, and have a clear call-to-action (CTA).

Instagram is all about reels

Laurie highlights the significance of Instagram Reels, which is a feature that allows users to create short-form videos. She mentions that Reels are currently the best way to grow your following on Instagram, as they have a higher chance of being discovered by new users. Therefore, incorporating Reels into your social media strategy can be a great way to get famous on Instagram in 2023.

Reels aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Businesses and individuals looking to stand out on Instagram should start making reels to engage audiences.

Want to make reels from scripting to recording in one app? Use BIGVU and do it all.

Building a community on social media is another key aspect of getting famous on Facebook and Instagram in 2023. Engaging with your audience by responding to comments and messages, hosting live sessions, and collaborating with other businesses or creators in your niche can help you create a sense of belonging among your audience and build a loyal following.

Community management isn’t restricted to big corporations but it works great for tech companies, startups, small businesses, and individual content creators. It helps grow organically on social media platforms. If you’re looking to grow organically on social media, community management is your best bet. 

Keep Track of Your Audiences

Keeping a record of analytics is really useful in experimentation and devising a future strategy based on the outputs. If something works then you can keep doing it but if something doesn’t then you can easily cut it down from your strategy. Google Analytics is an easy and informative way of keeping a record of your content performance. 

Laurie emphasizes the importance of using social media analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. By monitoring your engagement rates, follower growth, and other metrics, you can determine what type of content resonates with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

But you should consistently experiment with your content. Social media trends change every now and then, you should align your content adjusting to changing trends to keep your audiences hooked to your content. 

What do you think are the biggest trends for social media in 2023?

Laurie predicts that short-form video content, such as Instagram Reels, will continue to be a significant trend in 2023. She also notes that social media platforms are placing a greater emphasis on community building and engagement, which means that businesses and creators need to focus on building relationships with their audience.

What's the best way to grow your following on Instagram?

Laurie suggests that the best way to grow your following on Instagram is to create engaging and shareable content. This means focusing on creating content that is visually appealing, informative, and has a clear call-to-action. She also notes that using Instagram Reels is currently the most effective way to grow your following on the platform.

How important is engagement on social media?

Engagement is crucial on social media, according to Laurie. She notes that engaging with your audience helps to build a sense of community and can lead to increased loyalty and advocacy. Laurie suggests responding to comments and messages, hosting live sessions, and collaborating with other businesses or creators in your niche as effective ways to engage with your audience.

In conclusion, by incorporating the insights from Laurie Wang, you can refine your social media strategy to leverage Facebook and Instagram for your business gains.  By creating "thumb-stopping" content, using Instagram Reels, engaging with your audience, and tracking your performance using social media analytics, you can increase your reach and build a loyal following on these platforms.

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