
Gary Vaynerchuk once said, “No matter what you do, your job is to tell a story.” 

If you want to sell your services, you need to get your audience invested in your business. That’s the only way you’ll be able to build an emotional connection with them.

How do you do that? 

The answer is – with storytelling.

Storytelling works like a charm. 

No matter what message you want to convey, if you want to get your audience emotionally invested, build a story around it, and convey it in an engaging manner.

And there’s no better way to convey a story than via video.

Want to share a few tips and tricks with your audience? 

There’s nothing better than doing it via a video.

Looking forward to promoting your coaching business?

Video’s the answer.

We collaborated with our in-house Data Scientist Yoav to gain insights into the state of video for online coaches in 2022. And we’d love nothing more than to share it with you.

Throughout this post, we’ll see how online coaches tap into the power of video for different purposes. Also, if you’re consistently wondering whether you should add captions to your videos or how many videos should you roll out each week, look no further. 

Let us put in front of you the state of video for online coaches in 2022.

Key Takeaways:

  • Online coaches produce six to seven videos, on average, each week, of which they roll out only two to three of them.
  • The average length of video produced by online coaches is 50 seconds.
  • Online coaches spend 35-50 minutes, on average, each week creating and editing videos.
  • 70% of videos produced by online coaches are in vertical format, whereas the rest 30% are horizontal.
  • 75% of video editing processes comprise online coaches adding captions, a 15% increase when compared with the past year. 
  • 86.5% of video recordings by online coaches start with a script. 
  • Only 4% of video editing processes by online coaches involve adding background music.
  • Around 10% of videos edited by online coaches include replacing green screen.
  • About half of videos edited by online coaches include brand logo addition.
  • More than 18,000 online coaches have been recording and editing videos with BIGVU for over a year.

Online coaches produce six to seven videos, on average, each week, of which they roll out only two to three of them.

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the world of coaching forever, as it caused a boom in the number of coaches offering their services online. 

Whether you’re looking forward to interacting with your audience or sharing some valuable advice or promoting your services, video can help you build an emotional connection and get more eyeballs. 

Veteran online coaches already know this. That’s the reason they produce six to seven videos each week, on average. However, the number of videos they publish on their social media account stands around two to three, on average. 

Maybe, they share a few videos privately. Or maybe, they don’t find every single video they create worth sharing. 

The average length of video produced by
online coaches is 50 seconds.

How long should your videos be? Should they be short 20-30 second clips? Or maybe you should create long-form videos – around 10-20 minutes. 

The average length of video produced by online coaches is 50 seconds. But at the end of the day, your video length should depend on the message you’re trying to convey. 

Don’t rush it. Trying to fit everything in under 50 seconds may end up doing more harm than good. While 50-second video length is the perfect mark, your priority should be on working towards creating an engaging video – that not only delivers value but also keeps your viewers at the edge of their seats.

Online coaches spend 35-50 minutes, on average, each week recording and editing videos.

You don’t need to spend dozens of hours each week to get a video up and running. With an all-in-one video platform like BIGVU, you can record, edit and roll out videos from under one platform. 

If you’re using different platforms for different purposes, then you may find yourself all jumbled up between consistently importing and exporting – which is the last thing you’d want. On BIGVU, online coaches spend only 35-50 minutes, on average, each week recording and editing videos – meaning using a platform like BIGVU will save you a lot of time.

70% of videos produced by online coaches are in vertical format, whereas the rest 30% is horizontal.

People love consuming videos in vertical format. And online coaches already know it. That’s the reason over 70% of videos produced by online coaches are in vertical format and shared in the form of Reels, TikTok videos, or YouTube shorts. Whereas only 30% of videos are recorded in vertical format.

75% of video editing processes comprise online coaches adding captions, a 15% increase when compared with past year.

Should you add captions to your videos? 

Absolutely, especially if you’re catering to a global audience. 

Whether you’re speaking too fast or have a different accent than your target audience or are catering to people who can’t understand your language, you can add captions to your videos to remove the barrier. 

In 2021, over 60% of video editing processes included online coaches adding captions to their videos. This year, we’ve seen the number increase by a staggering 15% - which means over 75% of video editing processes include online coaches adding captions to their videos.

86.5% of video recordings by online coaches start with a script.

If you don’t write down a script prior to recording a video, then you may find yourself:

  • Taking numerous takes.
  • Feeling unconfident. 
  • Forgetting what you’re going to speak about next.
  • Spending more time filming. 
  • Speaking something irrelevant. 
  • Facing a hard time conveying your story.

Over 86.5% of video recordings by online coaches started with a script. Writing a script will help you plan your video – such that it’s engaging, concise and to the point. 

Only 4% of video editing processes by online coaches
involve adding background music.

Sorry to disappoint you – but not many online coaches add background music to their videos. Yes – adding background music can help you spice things up but not always is adding online music required. That’s the reason only 4% of online coach video editing processes involve adding background music. 

Around 10% of videos edited by online coaches include replacing green screen.

Hate your workspace or home background? Don’t want your existing cluttered background to be a thing your audience talks about every time they watch your video? You can always use a green screen and replace it with a professional looking background using the BIGVU video editor. 

While it’s a great way to make your videos look more professional, only 10% of videos edited by online coaches include replacing green screen. Maybe, not every online coach is looking forward to investing in a green screen. Or maybe some other reason.

About half of videos edited by online coaches include brand logo addition.

Adding your brand’s logo to your videos is a great way to slowly build and increase brand awareness + recognition. Apart from this, your logo will also act as a watermark – as it’ll prevent false use of your content without attribution.

Over 50% of video editing processes included online coaches adding their respective logos to their videos. 

More than 18,000 online coaches have been recording and editing videos with BIGVU for over a year.

BIGVU simplifies the video production process for almost every single person looking forward to creating engaging videos, including online coaches. Whether you’re mental health or fitness or career coach, you can use BIGVU to create and roll out engaging videos. 

As of this writing, 18,159 coaches have been using BIGVU’s advanced features to create engaging videos for more than a year. And they plan on keep using it for the foreseeable future – all thanks to our veteran development team and visionary business leaders.

Video is the Past, Present & the Future!

People love watching videos. How many videos do you personally watch every single week? If you’re like me, you watch videos all the time – and I’m not even talking about my time at BIGVU. I watch videos even during my free time. 

It’s the past, present, and future. 

At BIGVU, we don’t want you to spend dozens of hours recording and editing videos each week – which is why our platform allows video creators to write down a script, record videos from within the platform, heavily edit their videos and roll them out at the click of a button.

Don’t believe us?

Try BIGVU today!